Think Big Picture on The Financial Elite | The Bigger Picture

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The Bilderberg Group | Think Bigger Picture
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Copyright 2014-2022 Christopher Wicks | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
Discussion #28 - The Bilderberg Group

Many middle class people are starting to wonder why the 1% (or the .1%), have all the power. Aren't there a lot more of us? Shouldn't that count for something in a mainly democratic world? If there are 100 kids playing in a schoolyard, & 99 decide to pick a fight with 1, we know who's gonna get their clock cleaned. In a Capitalist global village, it doesn't quite work that way.

In fact, what's happening is that the 1% are basically telling the 99 to donate the vast majority of their one healthy mortal lifespan to them, for peanuts. Keep in mind the almighty king of stats; 80% of all humans on this earth earn $10 (USD) per day or less, & half earn less than $2.50 a day (after conversion of currencies). We are just starting to get a sense of this global reality in the Western world. Almost half the population of Earth is located in China & India, where a typical wage is $1 to $2/hr.

So, how are they doing it? In a nutshell, organization & influence. One of the best examples of this is the Bilderberg Group. Named after the hotel in Holland where the first meeting took place (in 1954), this group is shrouded in mystique. A secret 4-day annual meeting that makes the G8/G20 meetings look like side-shows. 120-150 top world government leaders, politicians, businessmen & leaders in industry, finance, labour, etc. get together every year for the REAL summit. These meetings are totally private, secret, & receive no news coverage whatsoever. Doesn't sound very democratic, does it?

How they have gotten away with it all these years, is by the conspiracy "elements" that keep it off the radar for 95% of the general population. These elements include religious & ancient Egyptian origins, which give it a fictional image. There is nothing fictional about these meetings, & the decisions made there are sometimes massive in significance (one example being the European Union).

There is likely big dollar value lobbying taking place (though we have no way of knowing for sure). These meetings are just the tip of the iceberg, as this sort of thing goes on all the time. The group defends themselves by saying that the main purpose is to encourage world peace by discussing large issues, thus reducing the need for military actions. In principle this sounds like a good thing, but why not discuss them at the other summits? If these meetings are for the benefit of everyone & not just the elite few, then why all the secrecy?

What the Bilderberg Group really demonstrates, is the determination to which the already ultra-rich & powerful have to becoming even richer & more powerful. The goal should be to make the wealth/income gap smaller, not larger. Come on guys, when is enough enough! It's as if they truly believe they're taking it with them.

What the 1% are failing to realize (or believe), is that if things get bad enough, and/or the 99% get organized, they will rise up. This will happen when the majority feel they have very little to lose, & much to gain. It's really a shame that Capitalism is turning into this, because it really has the potential to be an amazing economic system (& way of life), with a few significant adjustments.

Have you noticed lately, how most government-related expenses/costs have been going up much faster than most wages? This is happening all over the world, & there is a very good reason (which has nothing to do with the environment). Sucking as many dollars out of our wallets as possible, has become the new game. Much of this money ends up as corporate profit from contracts.

An added element is that many are turned off of the idea of saving our environment, due to the perceived expense (which in reality will soon be very low). Many of the largest corporations in the world are in the business of fossil fuels, & the military. This problem is much bigger/deeper than most realize. The very few elite who are on the receiving end of all this, have been hiding behind "conspiracy theories" for a very long time. It's time for us (the 99.9%), to wake up and smell the coffee. I am NOT anti-government! In fact, I personally believe that my (Canadian) office & many others, are doing a fantastic & hugely important job (including the military). It's just a really good idea to be/remain informed about important realities, as it greatly affects political will (& therefore our future). The world military budgets necessary for effective anti-terrorism, peace-keeping & protection of borders is but a sliver of what the actual budgets are. Of course, one of the biggest sources of wealth in the world is the global banking business.

Roughly eight families possess 93% of the money in the world. The rest of us are fighting for the remaining 7%. At the top end of this pack are the Rothschilds & the Rockefellers, which interestingly are rarely seen on the Forbes list of the top wealthy. This is mainly due to the deliberate shroud of secrecy regarding their actual levels of wealth (in the trillions), and individual dilution due to the hundreds of family members since 1760, that have & do share this wealth. Also, they likely own a large portion of Forbes. Secrecy has been a top priority for both of these families, for a very long time. For this reason, it's impossible to know for sure if these numbers are completely accurate, but the odds are they're pretty close.

There are both good and bad forces at play here (with Bilderberg, the Illuminati, & the Masons). The good is that with a sense of world unity & communication, there will and have indeed been less wars and conflicts between countries. The bad, is that with all of the elitism, secrecy & greed, wealth & income inequality have & will continue to grow much larger. I do believe there are some genuinely good intentions here, to advance & protect humanity (from ourselves). As we all know, we are (by far) our own biggest threat. Unfortunately, the proof is in the pudding, and after many many centuries of "gentle guiding", the economic & environmental pudding is not all that great.

As in most "secret societies", the underlying driving force is generally elitism gone bananas, and beneath that, the all-important 3-letter word, ego. The new common knowledge that numerous 5-star underground bunkers have been built over the years, strategically located all over the world, also means that all of the secretive peace & unity talk is maybe not really the main item on the agenda. Many knew this even back in 1785, when these societies became illegal. This basically just drove them underground.

The real danger here, is the vast majority of humans on Earth becoming virtually enslaved to an elite few. This is where it's all heading, as more & more power continues to flow to this small group of people. Time is money, & we all only get so much of it in our lifetime. With over 1 billion people (of 7.6) earning & living on $1.25 a day, and 50% of the world's wealth in the hands of the 1% elite, I'd say we're pretty much there now. Keep in mind that the current entire net worth of the world is just over $300 trillion, so if one or two families have somewhere between 5 and 100 trillion of this, the wealth gaps are definitely spiralling out of control. Global Stratification and a developing Caste System (similar to India) are the reality, when what we really want is economic mobility for everyone.

There are many strong indicators of globalization picking up serious steam already, both economically and culturally. The global rise of soccer, yoga, martial arts, fast food, even the game "Pokemon Go". The big "conspiracy theory" is that the main goal of Bilderberg (& the ultra-wealthy super-elite) is one world government. While I agree this seems like an extremely dangerous notion, it would matter most to me how this one government behaved. If it functioned as well as a Nordic country, I'd actually be pretty happy about it, but if more like Syria or Iraq, not so much. There is also the common religious belief in this being a big part of the end times.

Life does not need to be this viciously competitive, elitist, & complicated. It's amazing how many people really believe that it does (for a while). Eventually, everyone realizes that health is the real wealth. Nice people may not finish first in this life competitively, but in ways that matter far more, we do, and I believe that we enjoy life far more as well. The simple things matter far more than the grand, in this life, and in the next.

Obviously one global government is a really bad idea, but the concept of extreme global unity would solve most of the serious problems and threats to all of humanity. At the very least, we should take John Lennon's advice and "Imagine".

While there are definitely many conspiracy theories floating around these days regarding depopulation of the human species, and many have the Bilderberg group at the center of them, the hard fact is that the world is indeed on the verge of becoming overpopulated. This is a fact which cannot be debunked by anyone. I personally highly doubt that ANYONE is trying to depopulate the Earth, simply because big business, and the ultra-wealthy want economic growth, which would be very difficult to accomplish with a shrinking global population.

Whether the financial power elite in this world are, or were the culprits behind these extreme pandemic mandates and restrictions is hard to know for sure, but there ARE some hard facts here that cannot be debunked. SOME group(s) of people on this Earth are, or were definitely behind this hard push to destroy the fundamental human rights of almost everyone on the planet.

THIS is a fact that is extremely obvious to most. 9 times out of 10, all you have to do is follow the money trail to figure out who is behind these sorts of problems. My message to big business and the financial elite is this. Do not worry, you're gonna make tons of money selling loads of vaccines, along with millions of other consumable products, in the months and years to come.

Plenty of people are gonna want them, there is no question of this. However, if from extreme greed, you convince politicians to try and FORCE everyone to take vaccines, or any other type of drug at gun-point, it's gonna backfire on you. And you'll end up selling far less.

There is a force deep in the human soul, which will not tolerate our God-given human rights being taken away from us. This is indeed a force that you'd be very wise not to mess with, if maximizing your profits is truly your main goal. If this is NOT your main goal, and it's something far more nefarious, then maybe it's wiser to just knock it off. People aren't stupid, they know who's probably behind all of this.

Also, the vast majority of people on Earth have now evolved to the point where we believe in human equality. If there are still groups in this world, who consider themselves "elite" to the point that they feel the vast majority on Earth don't really matter, then we have ourselves a serious problem.

Simply because "old financial wealth", or even newer self-made financial wealth, is NOT the holy grail of determining human significance. Especially since we all have a similar lifespan, and we are ALL hanging on precariously by a thread to this mortal existance on Earth.

Even Queen Elizabeth ll, who technically owns 90% of the land in my home country of Canada, along with virtually all of the land in 32 of 54 Commonwealth countries in the world. (This also includes the entire UK, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, and the list goes on & on). She owns 6.6 billion acres of the 37 billion acres of land on Earth (roughly one sixth).

The point I'm trying to make here, is that despite enormous wealth, NOT A DIME of it will obviously be coming with us. The old, obsolete ideology that financial wealth is everything in life, and solely or even largely determines our significance as human beings, is a form of mental illness at best. At worst, it's pure evil.

We all need to get over ourselves, and start to function as a team, instead of the bunch of neanderthal tribes we are now. Human equality is not just some lofty unattainable pollyanna ideology, it's the hard reality. Any other alternate belief is pure fiction. Even though it can be an extremely fun fairytale, and strongly encourages a ton of people to buy a lot of prestigious shit, it's still pure fantasy. And has no bearing whatsoever on our true significance as human beings.

Many if not MOST of the great artists, writers, and scientists of all time, were dirt poor all their lives. With many artists, their art was practically worthless financially until after they died. Then, mainly because of the lack of further supply, it often became priceless, and currently hangs on the walls of the ultra-wealthy and financial elite.

Vincent van Gogh is just one example of many. In his entire lifetime, he sold only one painting, for approx. $109 in today dollars. After his death, 2000 more of his artworks were discovered, and are now worth a fortune. Posthumously, these artists are often considered to be some of the most significant human beings to ever walk the Earth. But all through their lifetime, they were considered to be completely insignificant.

It's easy to see how perception is everything with this issue. And this perception can be one way on one day, and completely the opposite on the next. Meanwhile, it's the exact same person, with the exact same talents all through their life.

This list goes on and on. Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, Galileo Galilei, John Keats, Oscar Wilde, Jeff Buckley, Johann Sabastian Bach. These are just a few examples of legendary artists, writers, and scientists, who dramatically shaped our world for the better. And yet while alive, were considered to be almost completely insignificant as human beings.

In reality, these individuals were always incredibly important, but it just dramatically proves how this reality is completely based on human perception. Also, for every individual who DID become famous for their efforts after death, there are a million more just as talented, who did NOT get accidently discovered posthumously.

So, for those who believe that extreme wealth is the holy grail of human significance, you'd better think again. In fact, if you look through the history books, you probably won't find very many people at all who are famous strictly for being wealthy. You'll find the opposite. You'll find people who barely cared at all about financial wealth. And were far more concerned about making life better for EVERYONE, not just the financial or political elite.

I personally believe that the good folks in the Bilderberg group are definitely trying to make the world a better place, they're NOT evil people. It's just that the emphasis is obviously not on making it better for everyone. We're talking about centuries of brainwashing and conditioning, which causes most in the world to think that some of us are vastly more significant than others. The majority of people on this Earth feel this way. The big difference, is that many in this group take it to a whole different level.
Discussion #28 - The Bilderberg Group

Many middle class people are starting to wonder why the 1% (or the .1%), have all the power. Aren't there a lot more of us? Shouldn't that count for something in a mainly democratic world? If there are 100 kids playing in a schoolyard, & 99 decide to pick a fight with 1, we know who's gonna get their clock cleaned. In a Capitalist global village, it doesn't quite work that way.

In fact, what's happening is that the 1% are basically telling the 99 to donate the vast majority of their one healthy mortal lifespan to them, for peanuts. Keep in mind the almighty king of stats; 80% of all humans on this earth earn $10 (USD) per day or less, & half earn less than $2.50 a day (after conversion of currencies). We are just starting to get a sense of this global reality in the Western world. Almost half the population of Earth is located in China & India, where a typical wage is $1 to $2/hr.

So, how are they doing it? In a nutshell, organization & influence. One of the best examples of this is the Bilderberg Group. Named after the hotel in Holland where the first meeting took place (in 1954), this group is shrouded in mystique. A secret 4-day annual meeting that makes the G8/G20 meetings look like side-shows. 120-150 top world government leaders, politicians, businessmen & leaders in industry, finance, labour, etc. get together every year for the REAL summit. These meetings are totally private, secret, & receive no news coverage whatsoever. Doesn't sound very democratic, does it?

How they have gotten away with it all these years, is by the conspiracy "elements" that keep it off the radar for 95% of the general population. These elements include religious & ancient Egyptian origins, which give it a fictional image. There is nothing fictional about these meetings, & the decisions made there are sometimes massive in significance (one example being the European Union).

There is likely big dollar value lobbying taking place (though we have no way of knowing for sure). These meetings are just the tip of the iceberg, as this sort of thing goes on all the time. The group defends themselves by saying that the main purpose is to encourage world peace by discussing large issues, thus reducing the need for military actions. In principle this sounds like a good thing, but why not discuss them at the other summits? If these meetings are for the benefit of everyone & not just the elite few, then why all the secrecy?

What the Bilderberg Group really demonstrates, is the determination to which the already ultra-rich & powerful have to becoming even richer & more powerful. The goal should be to make the wealth/income gap smaller, not larger. Come on guys, when is enough enough! It's as if they truly believe they're taking it with them.

What the 1% are failing to realize (or believe), is that if things get bad enough, and/or the 99% get organized, they will rise up. This will happen when the majority feel they have very little to lose, & much to gain. It's really a shame that Capitalism is turning into this, because it really has the potential to be an amazing economic system (& way of life), with a few significant adjustments.

Have you noticed lately, how most government-related expenses/costs have been going up much faster than most wages? This is happening all over the world, & there is a very good reason (which has nothing to do with the environment). Sucking as many dollars out of our wallets as possible, has become the new game. Much of this money ends up as corporate profit from contracts.

An added element is that many are turned off of the idea of saving our environment, due to the perceived expense (which in reality will soon be very low). Many of the largest corporations in the world are in the business of fossil fuels, & the military. This problem is much bigger/deeper than most realize. The very few elite who are on the receiving end of all this, have been hiding behind "conspiracy theories" for a very long time. It's time for us (the 99.9%), to wake up and smell the coffee. I am NOT anti-government! In fact, I personally believe that my (Canadian) office & many others, are doing a fantastic & hugely important job (including the military). It's just a really good idea to be/remain informed about important realities, as it greatly affects political will (& therefore our future). The world military budgets necessary for effective anti-terrorism, peace-keeping & protection of borders is but a sliver of what the actual budgets are. Of course, one of the biggest sources of wealth in the world is the global banking business.

Roughly eight families possess 93% of the money in the world. The rest of us are fighting for the remaining 7%. At the top end of this pack are the Rothschilds & the Rockefellers, which interestingly are rarely seen on the Forbes list of the top wealthy. This is mainly due to the deliberate shroud of secrecy regarding their actual levels of wealth (in the trillions), and individual dilution due to the hundreds of family members since 1760, that have & do share this wealth. Also, they likely own a large portion of Forbes. Secrecy has been a top priority for both of these families, for a very long time. For this reason, it's impossible to know for sure if these numbers are completely accurate, but the odds are they're pretty close.

There are both good and bad forces at play here (with Bilderberg, the Illuminati, & the Masons). The good is that with a sense of world unity & communication, there will and have indeed been less wars and conflicts between countries. The bad, is that with all of the elitism, secrecy & greed, wealth & income inequality have & will continue to grow much larger. I do believe there are some genuinely good intentions here, to advance & protect humanity (from ourselves). As we all know, we are (by far) our own biggest threat. Unfortunately, the proof is in the pudding, and after many many centuries of "gentle guiding", the economic & environmental pudding is not all that great.

As in most "secret societies", the underlying driving force is generally elitism gone bananas, and beneath that, the all-important 3-letter word, ego. The new common knowledge that numerous 5-star underground bunkers have been built over the years, strategically located all over the world, also means that all of the secretive peace & unity talk is maybe not really the main item on the agenda. Many knew this even back in 1785, when these societies became illegal. This basically just drove them underground.

The real danger here, is the vast majority of humans on Earth becoming virtually enslaved to an elite few. This is where it's all heading, as more & more power continues to flow to this small group of people. Time is money, & we all only get so much of it in our lifetime. With over 1 billion people (of 7.6) earning & living on $1.25 a day, and 50% of the world's wealth in the hands of the 1% elite, I'd say we're pretty much there now. Keep in mind that the current entire net worth of the world is just over $300 trillion, so if one or two families have somewhere between 5 and 100 trillion of this, the wealth gaps are definitely spiralling out of control. Global Stratification and a developing Caste System (similar to India) are the reality, when what we really want is economic mobility for everyone.

There are many strong indicators of globalization picking up serious steam already, both economically and culturally. The global rise of soccer, yoga, martial arts, fast food, even the game "Pokemon Go". The big "conspiracy theory" is that the main goal of Bilderberg (& the ultra-wealthy super-elite) is one world government. While I agree this seems like an extremely dangerous notion, it would matter most to me how this one government behaved. If it functioned as well as a Nordic country, I'd actually be pretty happy about it, but if more like Syria or Iraq, not so much. There is also the common religious belief in this being a big part of the end times.

Life does not need to be this viciously competitive, elitist, & complicated. It's amazing how many people really believe that it does (for a while). Eventually, everyone realizes that health is the real wealth. Nice people may not finish first in this life competitively, but in ways that matter far more, we do, and I believe that we enjoy life far more as well. The simple things matter far more than the grand, in this life, and in the next.

Obviously one global government is a really bad idea, but the concept of extreme global unity would solve most of the serious problems and threats to all of humanity. At the very least, we should take John Lennon's advice and "Imagine".

While there are definitely many conspiracy theories floating around these days regarding depopulation of the human species, and many have the Bilderberg group at the center of them, the hard fact is that the world is indeed on the verge of becoming overpopulated. This is a fact which cannot be debunked by anyone. I personally highly doubt that ANYONE is trying to depopulate the Earth, simply because big business, and the ultra-wealthy want economic growth, which would be very difficult to accomplish with a shrinking global population.

Whether the financial power elite in this world are, or were the culprits behind these extreme pandemic mandates and restrictions is hard to know for sure, but there ARE some hard facts here that cannot be debunked. SOME group(s) of people on this Earth are, or were definitely behind this hard push to destroy the fundamental human rights of almost everyone on the planet.

THIS is a fact that is extremely obvious to most. 9 times out of 10, all you have to do is follow the money trail to figure out who is behind these sorts of problems. My message to big business and the financial elite is this. Do not worry, you're gonna make tons of money selling loads of vaccines, along with millions of other consumable products, in the months and years to come.

Plenty of people are gonna want them, there is no question of this. However, if from extreme greed, you convince politicians to try and FORCE everyone to take vaccines, or any other type of drug at gun-point, it's gonna backfire on you. And you'll end up selling far less.

There is a force deep in the human soul, which will not tolerate our God-given human rights being taken away from us. This is indeed a force that you'd be very wise not to mess with, if maximizing your profits is truly your main goal. If this is NOT your main goal, and it's something far more nefarious, then maybe it's wiser to just knock it off. People aren't stupid, they know who's probably behind all of this.

Also, the vast majority of people on Earth have now evolved to the point where we believe in human equality. If there are still groups in this world, who consider themselves "elite" to the point that they feel the vast majority on Earth don't really matter, then we have ourselves a serious problem.

Simply because "old financial wealth", or even newer self-made financial wealth, is NOT the holy grail of determining human significance. Especially since we all have a similar lifespan, and we are ALL hanging on precariously by a thread to this mortal existance on Earth.

Even Queen Elizabeth ll, who technically owns 90% of the land in my home country of Canada, along with virtually all of the land in 32 of 54 Commonwealth countries in the world. (This also includes the entire UK, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, and the list goes on & on). She owns 6.6 billion acres of the 37 billion acres of land on Earth (roughly one sixth).

The point I'm trying to make here, is that despite enormous wealth, NOT A DIME of it will obviously be coming with us. The old, obsolete ideology that financial wealth is everything in life, and solely or even largely determines our significance as human beings, is a form of mental illness at best. At worst, it's pure evil.

We all need to get over ourselves, and start to function as a team, instead of the bunch of neanderthal tribes we are now. Human equality is not just some lofty unattainable pollyanna ideology, it's the hard reality. Any other alternate belief is pure fiction. Even though it can be an extremely fun fairytale, and strongly encourages a ton of people to buy a lot of prestigious shit, it's still pure fantasy. And has no bearing whatsoever on our true significance as human beings.

Many if not MOST of the great artists, writers, and scientists of all time, were dirt poor all their lives. With many artists, their art was practically worthless financially until after they died. Then, mainly because of the lack of further supply, it often became priceless, and currently hangs on the walls of the ultra-wealthy and financial elite.

Vincent van Gogh is just one example of many. In his entire lifetime, he sold only one painting, for approx. $109 in today dollars. After his death, 2000 more of his artworks were discovered, and are now worth a fortune. Posthumously, these artists are often considered to be some of the most significant human beings to ever walk the Earth. But all through their lifetime, they were considered to be completely insignificant.

It's easy to see how perception is everything with this issue. And this perception can be one way on one day, and completely the opposite on the next. Meanwhile, it's the exact same person, with the exact same talents all through their life.

This list goes on and on. Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, Galileo Galilei, John Keats, Oscar Wilde, Jeff Buckley, Johann Sabastian Bach. These are just a few examples of legendary artists, writers, and scientists, who dramatically shaped our world for the better. And yet while alive, were considered to be almost completely insignificant as human beings.

In reality, these individuals were always incredibly important, but it just dramatically proves how this reality is completely based on human perception. Also, for every individual who DID become famous for their efforts after death, there are a million more just as talented, who did NOT get accidently discovered posthumously.

So, for those who believe that extreme wealth is the holy grail of human significance, you'd better think again. In fact, if you look through the history books, you probably won't find very many people at all who are famous strictly for being wealthy. You'll find the opposite. You'll find people who barely cared at all about financial wealth. And were far more concerned about making life better for EVERYONE, not just the financial or political elite.

I personally believe that the good folks in the Bilderberg group are definitely trying to make the world a better place, they're NOT evil people. It's just that the emphasis is obviously not on making it better for everyone. We're talking about centuries of brainwashing and conditioning, which causes most in the world to think that some of us are vastly more significant than others. The majority of people on this Earth feel this way. The big difference, is that many in this group take it to a whole different level.