Think Bigger Picture on Politics | The Bigger Picture

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Discussion #2 - Politics

Let's be very clear here. The people living in fear are those who are choosing neverending harsh restrictions, over freedom and liberty. Areas of the world, whether they be provinces, states, or even entire countries, are starting to choose between freedom or restrictions. Their long-term health over routinely taking drugs and wearing masks, and optimism & courage over obsessive dread and fear.

What is now starting to happen in reality is people, especially younger people, are beginning to fight back and/or migrate to these areas, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Most in the world are now fully aware that this is not just a short-term pandemic, this is to some degree our future on this planet, especially in areas of extremely high urban density.

The young people of this world, (and surprisingly many of the braver more mature adults as well) are NOT willing to tolerate this environment of fear and mandates for much longer. Especially when we now know that Covid, like the flu, will never be eradicated. Largely because it's completely impossible to vaccinate all of the wild animals on Earth, not to mention all of the people over, and over, and over again. This would ALSO be necessary to eradicate or even dramatically reduce the spread and mutating of this virus, along with the flu.

Without our freedom and fundamentaI rights as human beings, we have nothing. Without them, we are literally property of the state, slaves who get paid. This is not just a right-wing thing, it's a human thing. I can tell you as a Canadian, that these truckers are not afraid of much in this world, except for maybe communism. They're not afraid of, or in any way against vaccines or masks, just the mandating of them. They're afraid of the loss of our basic rights as human beings, AND WE SHOULD ALL BE!

To protect the vulnerable in our societies, we must be far more targeted and efficient than this, by using antiviral treatments such as Paxlovid from Pfizer. It, along with a few others, are a MILLION TIMES more efficient method to treat the very small percentage of people who are becoming seriously ill from this virus. Especially when you compare it to our horrifying attempts to Frankenstein and re-engineer the healthy immune system of virtually everyone on Earth.

I mean seriously, who the h##l do we think we are??? That many of us actually believe we are able to design a healthy immune system to be better than it is naturally??? This is SUCH a good example of how insanely massive our egos are as human beings, and the natural world is currently giving us a lesson in humility, and a pretty good idea now of who's really in charge.

Overwhelmed hospitals, a problem that is happening ONLY in the richer countries of our world, is definitely a huge problem, no one is arguing this. However, therapeutic treatments such as Paxlovid, (which are also very much science by the way), according to Pfizer and many medical doctors, will keep 90% of all seriously ill Covid patients OUT of the hospitals, and safe in their homes. This will allow the remaining 7.9 billion people on Earth to build up their immunity naturally, which is a much healthier and safer way to go, AND solve the problem of overwhelmed hospitals. These vaccine shots are NOT vitamins people, they're serious drugs.

Even the IDEA of attempting to drug up everyone on Earth, in a routine and ongoing fashion, is pure madness. Especially when it's so clearly not necessary. For ANYONE to take unnecessary drugs is an extremely bad idea, unless of course you're somehow on the receiving end of it financially. Somehow, many people have got it in their heads that these vaccines are actually healthy for us, and they simply are not. You will NEVER find ANY vaccine in a health food store, BECAUSE THEY ARE SERIOUS DRUGS! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Virtually ALL countries have given up on the "Covid-0" strategy now, with the main exception being China.

According to a recent Angus Reid poll (our most reliable pollster), the majority of people in my country now want all mandates to end, and want to manage their own risk level. This number is also rising quickly. Countries such as the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and South Africa, have already removed virtually all of their Covid mandates. And many more countries will soon follow.

All over the world, in virtually all democratic areas, people are now starting to choose freedom and wisdom over obsessive and extreme fear. We were willing to push the pause button on our rights to get through this crisis, but now, according to MOST PEOPLE it's time for governments to start handing them back.

In recent years, across the globe, we have all been experiencing a public health crisis which is attempting to take away many of our most important freedoms & liberties as human beings. Governments & political leaders must be extremely vigilant to protect these basic human rights. The trend that is scaring people the most (vaxxed or not), is confusion and debate about who should have control over what drugs do or do not get pumped into our body on a regular & ongoing basis. Governments, employers, our friends & family, or us.

Make no mistake, this is some very scary stuff. If this were a movie script, it would be a terrifying movie. But it's not, it's our current reality, and we need political leaders to ignore what big business is pushing them to do, and listen to the people. This should not be about big corporations or the ultra-wealthy making more money, this is our one-and-only body we're talking about here. We as individual human beings should maintain control over the vaccines and other drugs that get put into our body. Period.

If governments and employers have the right to dictate this, even in the name of public health, then the entire world is truly descending into tyranny and autocracy. We can't let this pandemic push us right back to the dark ages. Similar to what's happening in Afghanistan to women's rights under the Taliban, a similar trend is happening to all of us, all over the world. YOUNG PEOPLE OF EARTH, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE GETTING VACCINATED EVERY 6 MONTHS??? If not, you'd better speak up now, as this is where it's all heading!

Economic growth cannot be all that matters in this life. Big business wants more money, as usual, and that is what's really driving this strong political push. What's odd about this situation for me personally, is that I'm normally far more left wing, but on this issue, I side strongly with the Right. I guess I'm just not an overly tribal person. We do however, need to reduce the spread of this virus. So for this reason, I'm personally (along with many others) just fine with indoor masking. In Ontario, Canada, we are experiencing extremely low covid numbers, for this exact reason. Globally, a surprising number of healthcare workers, which includes nurses AND physicians, are choosing NOT to get vaccinated. They're choosing their enhanced, natural immunity over drug-induced, and many people are starting to pay attention to this reality.

When everyone thought that this was going to be a short-term thing, a couple of vaccine shots, no big deal, most were OK with this. Now we're learning that this is most likely going to be similar to the flu virus, constantly mutating indefinitely, so the game has changed dramatically. This pandemic is not going to have the fairytale ending that most of us were really hoping for. WE CANNOT FORCE VACCINATE EVERYONE ON EARTH EVERY 6 MONTHS!!! If we did, it would not just be the death of freedom, but also the single biggest crime to humanity in the entire history of the human race. Not to mention, the health consequences would be catastrophic. Some are calling medical freedom fighters selfish. They're not, because in the years to come, the over-vaccinated will likely be the ones overwhelming health care, not the unvaccinated. After a few years, natural immunity will likely prove to be far more durable, long-lasting, broad-spectrum, & powerful than constant vaccine-induced.

The mainstream media is playing a huge role in all of this. They are increasingly demonizing & dividing people around the world. The reason why is simple. The media is yet another very large industry attempting to make more money. And what sells the most? Drama, ferocity, viciousness, crime, basically the more animalistic forms of human behaviour. Human, and especially corporate greed is destroying the social fabric of our world. Making us far more aggressive, disrespectful, & tribal (us vs them) toward each other. I understand they're frustrated because they have to compete with so many other forms of media now, but it does not excuse what's happening. It's like they're literally trying to get everyone fired up & divided. Both left wing AND right wing media outlets are becoming far more extreme, because it gets people in both camps far more juiced, excited, & increases the entertainment level.

There is extreme proof to everything I'm saying about this pandemic. Something extremely shocking is happening in the poorer countries of this world. Although most did have a bad Covid outbreak in spring of 2021, currently (in January 2022), their new daily cases, along with deaths, hospitalizations, and serious illness, are all now a TINY FRACTION, per capita, of what they are in the richer countries!!

While there are many obvious differences between cultures, which could explain bits & pieces of these massive discrepancies, what is quickly becoming extremely obvious to many, is that natural immunity is kicking vaccinated immunity's butt all over this planet!! Especially when you look at the poorer nations' vaccination rates, compared to the richer countries! Also, the vast majority of people in these often massive, densely populated countries have already had the virus, had mild symptoms, and have recovered. All this with 80-90% of their populations still unvaccinated!!

Countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and the list goes on and on. While the richer countries often have packed ICU's, the hospitals in the poor countries of this world are extremely quiet. And their numbers are still falling dramatically. And will continue to do so, since the vast majority have already been exposed to or had the virus, and have therefore built up extremely durable and powerful natural immunity. Overall death rates in these countries are also unbelievably low (one tenth to one hundredth per capita) compared to the rich countries. Some might argue that these nations are underreporting, but the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is easy to see. Hospitals in the poorer countries are basically back to normal, while many in the richer nations are struggling desperately.

It turns out that when it comes to the covid pandemic, living in a poor country seems to be paying off in a very big way! This is NOT misinformation folks!! If you look at the graphs & charts from all of the reputable sources, you will be absolutely stunned by what is currently happening in our world with this pandemic!! (Reuters global covid tracker is an excellent site). Then there is also the Merck pill coming out in a few months (end of 2021-ish), which will also be a huge game-changer. I understand that there is a massive power struggle going on in the world right now, mainly over these vaccines, but this is getting ridiculous! We're talking about people's lives here! At some point in the near future, fact has GOT to win out over power-hungry fiction. Along with people desperately trying to bury the truth!

We richer citizens of Earth are in many ways behaving like a bunch of pampered control freaks. Trying to over-vaccinate all of the sickness out of everyone, and not allowing our immune system to fight things naturally. In many ways we've been getting away with it up until now, but with Covid, it's now starting to bite us in the butt big-time. We now have many different vaccines, for an ever-increasing number of viruses. It seems that we really don't want to get sick from ANYTHING these days! I get this, being sick is no fun, but it does give our immune system something to chew on naturally every now & then. And this is why natural immunity will end up winning this Covid war in the end. In fact, it's winning the war right now in the developing countries of our world.

When companies like Facebook start being attacked, it worries me. People in very high places are attempting to censor and muzzle the internet, and free speech overall. It's not rocket science. Then they can push their own agendas without pesky things like free conversation from getting in the way! I'm sure Facebook is not completely innocent here, but what company is these days?? Also, mainstream media is basically doing the exact same thing. Which is dividing people with extremist language, firing them up, in an attempt to make more money! Most forms of media are up to the same sorts of tricks. The big difference here, is that we can all have a bit of input & voice with the internet. Virtually no one can be silenced, even if the powerful forces in our world don't like what we're saying!

There are three basic camps in this covid debate. There is the camp of people who, (largely thanks to the mainstream media), have become complete hypochondriacs & germophobes, who want everyone on Earth vaccinated, masked, & completely germ-free. No disrespect intended, but they're generally older, or folks who are just far more nervous in general. Then there is the second camp, who want to remove all restrictions whatsoever, and basically let the virus do it's thing. Generally, these are the younger or healthier folks. Then there is the third camp of people, who are trying to find a sensible balance in all of this. Say perhaps, strongly encourage indoor masking, and not force vaccinations on everyone.

There is a lot of political spin being used on this issue. If you belong to the "vaccinate everyone forever" tribe, you would likely spin this and say "this is not a time for half measures". It all depends on what colour of lenses you're looking through. Young people have most of their life still in front of them. To them, the thought of a lifetime of constant, neverending vaccinations and mask-wearing is terrifying. To a senior citizen, or someone with serious health problems, the thought of everyone NOT doing this is terrifying! It really does depend on the angle or viewpoint that you're looking from.

The big problem, is that the young people of our world simply do not have the political clout, or financial power to really have much say in all of this! Especially when we're telling them they can't get an education, or even a job without going along with this. There could be a tiny argument here if there were no other options, but given the fact that the poor, largely unvaccinated countries in our world are experiencing hospitals that are much quieter than ours, this is simply a power thing. Even many of the red states in America are now experiencing sharply decling new daily cases, hospitalizations, & deaths now, such as Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Iowa, Arkansas, etc. As of October 2021, Texas has less than 52% fully vaxxed, and Tennessee 53% one dose, and 46% fully vaxxed. These same states also have low mask usage as well.

Big business wants to vaccinate the entire world, but because the poor countries have basically let the virus do it's thing, virtually unsuppressed, their citizens simply don't need it now. Same basic principle also applies to some American states as well. They've built up enough natural immunity that vaccinations and masking are completely unnecessary. They have a tiny fraction of the new daily cases, hospitalizations, & deaths compared to richer countries, and vaccines would do far more harm than good at this point. The same thing would happen here if we were willing to let the virus run it's course largely unsuppressed.

The politics and people in power will never allow this to happen in richer nations, but for the love of God, we can't force all of our young, healthy people to live on vaccines for the rest of their lives!! This entire notion is incredibly disgusting and revolting, when you look at the bigger picture on this issue. Especially when you consider how much corruption is involved in attempting to bury the truth on this!

We all need to get this fairytale about eradicating covid out of our heads, and fast. In the history of our entire species, there has only been one infectious disease which has ever been eradicated by a vaccine, smallpox. Polio is very close to being eradicated worldwide as well. This is, and will be possible, because they are both isolated to human beings only, and not animals, insects, or nature in general. They are strictly human pathogens, with no other natural reservoirs.

This is why the chances of ever eradicating Covid-19 or the flu are virtually zero. They are NOT isolated to humans only. In fact, it's currently believed that bats were the original source of this virus for humans, as they are believed by experts to be reservoirs of diverse coronaviruses. So this means that wild animals are definitely in play for both Covid and the flu.

We'd better start planning for the long-term, and get comfortable with Covid being around indefinitely, or we're just being extremely naive and foolish. This means that for those who are planning to get boosters, just like with the flu shots, you'll most likely be getting them for the rest of your life. As time marches on, the effectiveness of these boosters fade, as experienced in Israel. This is why natural immunity is winning this Covid war worldwide.

Mask-wearing also, for those areas of the world who are mandating them, will also likely be a life-long situation. It's obvious to most, that wearing a mask makes it harder to breathe. We have yet to discover what long-term effects may result from this, but they can't be good.

This is why the mandates need to stop now. There are far more health factors at play here than just the spread of this virus. Those who are against mandated virus suppression methods which are risking the health of our young people, especially, are not the demons here. We now know that everyone is spreading the virus, as the vaccine's efficacy starts to wane soon after inoculation. The longer the mandates and passports are allowed to continue, the more stigmatized and divided groups of our societies will become. Constant onging forced vaccination and masking, of everyone on Earth forever, is NOT the solution to this problem.

Covid and the flu will not be eradicated. Why waking up to this reality is so important, is that this fantasy is what is largely fueling the obsession to force everyone to get vaxxed. People want this pandemic to disappear completely, so that all restrictions can be lifted, and everything can go right back to normal. The problem, is that this will never happen for areas which are using constant widespread suppression methods. We need to start living in reality now, before it's too late.

The most obvious proof of this, as of November 2021, would be to look at what is happening in Bangladesh, and the United Kingdom. This is just one example of many, but currently this extremely poor country (Bangladesh) of almost 165 million people, is experiencing less than 200 new daily cases of Covid-19, less than 10 daily deaths, (and falling fast!). Their vaccination rate is just over 18% fully vaxxed, with masking optional. They've had just under 28,000 Covid deaths in total since the pandemic began.

The UK, on the other hand, is a rich country of just over 68 million people (less than half). Their new daily cases are over 40,000 PER DAY, with around 200 daily deaths (and rising!). Their total Covid deaths so far are almost 139,000, and their current vaccination rate is approx. 68%, & almost 80% of population over 12!! I'm not trying to pick on the UK here, but these differences are incredibly shocking, to say the least! It's easy to get buried in a sea of statistics, so this one example is a way to get a clear sense of what is really happening in our world right now.

Drug companies aren't stupid. They already know that Covid and the flu will never be eradicated, and they see big dollar signs from this fact. This is why the "Covid-zero" strategy is so dangerous. It's a way of extending the crisis categorization of this pandemic indefinitely. Thus extending all of the virus suppression methods & mandates indefinitely as well. We all know that Covid is far more serious than the flu, but what they share in common is that they are both NOT strictly human pathogens. The chances of eradicating either one are roughly the same, zero.

The proof is in the pudding. The flu vaccine has been in production since the 1930's. This is why we all know that the flu shots will go on forever, as will the Covid shots. The big fear is that so will the mandates, along with the loss of our constitutional rights and freedoms.

I understand that none of us want more outbreaks, lockdowns, premature death and suffering, but there still must be a sense of balance in all of this. There are still FAR more young people dying and suffering from serious permanent injuries due to car/road accidents than from Covid, the flu, & all other viruses combined. Vehicular accidents are STILL the #1 killer of humans aged 1 through 54 in the US (for example), and over 2 million Americans are permanently injured each year from these accidents. And I don't see anybody trying to mandate how much we drive our cars. To clarify, 750,000 US deaths from Covid in 20/21, and 4,000,000 serious permanent injuries from car accidents, most of which are younger people.

Whenever there is corruption in this world, all you normally have to do is follow the money trail to find out who is behind it. There is NO money to be made in limiting how much we drive. Even though it's massively contributing to climate change and the destruction of our environment, we will never lose our freedom to drive our cars as much as we please, because big business is making more money this way. That and we absolutely love driving our cars. In fact, our obsession with consumption is likely what's causing this pandemic in the first place.

Countries on the lower end of the human development index are doing far better in this pandemic than countries on the high end, because they do NOT have the long history of heavy vaccine suppression of viruses that we rich countries do. This reality is being ferociously buried by big business in the mainstream media, for obvious reasons. The two countries which are confusing people the most right now are Russia and Brazil. Not everyone realizes that Brazil's HDI is rated "high" at .761 and Russia's "very high" at .824 (as of October 2021).

Also, both countries have a long history of aggressive viral suppression by vaccine going all the way back to the 1970's. Brazil has long been considered a "champion" of immunization for over 50 years now. This is why Russia and Brazil, just like most of the richer countries in our world, are struggling so much with this pandemic. In fact, we've had the wrong idea about heavily suppressing viral illness since the late 1700's, but didn't realize it until Covid. Most people still don't realize it, but not for long.

We've had a few success stories over the years such as smallpox and polio, because they are only transmittable from human to human, but Covid-19 is proving to be a serious game-changer, and challenging everything we've always believed about epidemiology. Let's not stifle this new information like greedy neanderthals. Let's embrace it, so that we can continue to advance peacefully and democratically moving forward, like the advanced species that we are. This is not misinformation, this is new information, there is a huge difference. If all we're going to do is label our new discoveries as misinformation, just because they don't line up with our own personal ideologies, then we are all in very serious trouble. This is why there is such an incredible amount of division in the scientific community right now, (along with everyone else).

At the end of the day, this is a survival issue, and we should be free to do what we feel gives ourselves and our families, the best chances for survival, along with long-term health & wellness. If this for you means a lifetime of vaccinations, mask-wearing, hand-sanitizing, etc., then so be it. But if this for you means building up your natural immunity, then this should also be your constitutional right, and it is. As long as over-the-top fear, panic, and corporate greed do not extend this "crisis mode" that we're currently in forever. Keep in mind, the first documented cases of the flu were in the year 1357, and the first flu epidemic was in the years 1386 and 1387.

The vast majority of humans on Earth today, have never experienced a dramatic loss of their freedom. We don't really tend to value something, until we've experienced the loss of it. The capitol riots were an aggressive attack on democracy, and now the Covid mandates are an aggressive attack on our freedom. Just like democracy, our liberty can be easily lost, and extremely difficult to get back once it is.

As humans, the fear of premature death definitely does seem to trump all other fears & concerns, and for good reason. But we must not forget the tens of millions of young, healthy people who fought and died for our freedom, rights, and liberty. They chose to sacrifice their entire life for our freedom, and now we're just throwing it all away because of our own unreasonable fears. We can easily keep people safe from Covid, and the flu, without destroying our democracy. We need to think long and hard about what kind of world we want to live in, and leave to our children. After all we've been through, do we really want to leave them with a world without freedom?

The other massive problem for the richer countries of our world, is the plummeting birth rates. You're probably already noticing this when your local fast food restaurant or coffee shop hasn't enough staff to keep their dine-in or take-out lobby open. We're also starting to see help wanted signs everywhere. This, unfortunately for business owners, is NOT just a temporary blip in our human microevolution. These falling birth rates are something that's been going on since the 2008 financial crisis. The pandemic is just dramatically amplifying the problem.

The recent trend of the majority of young people, both genders, getting advanced university degrees, in reality has pros and cons attached to it. The pros are that companies can easily find highly educated employees, and these young people will generally make more money. The big negative however, is that this trend is brutal on the birth rates in these countries. Young people are NOT planning to waste these expensive degrees, and this means most often waiting until they're in their thirties to start their family. To a large degree, this is why the birth rates in most developed countries are quickly and steadily declining. To the point now where it's becoming economically dangerous. With fewer and fewer younger people working, and paying taxes, to support a much more numerous and growing older segment of our populations. We can always mitigate the problem with immigration, but too much can cause other issues if it's not done properly.

By far the biggest form of collateral damage from all of the mandates in this pandemic, is the further damage being done to the already hurting birth rates in the richer countries. Taking away people's freedom and control over their own body is one thing, but now we're also taking away the lives of our unborn, unconceived children as well. Now that the Pfizer and Merck Covid pills are arriving, with Pfizer at 89% efficacy in preventing (or more accurately curing) serious illness, we need to stop the insanity now. This ridiculous power struggle is costing us all in ways that we're just beginning to fully understand. If we can just ditch all of the dictatorship crap, and let young people calm down, they'll feel much more comfortable with the idea of settling in and starting a family.

There is a lot of "bulldozing" of the truth going on right now, because people are being told to discredit everything that's being said by those who are viewed as being "anti-vaxxers". A word that has been completely demonized. This is going to have very dire consequences for many in the very near future. In fact, the immediate future, since in many countries now well over half of the Covid deaths are fully immunized people (and rising!). To be clear, there has ALWAYS been a better than 99% chance of recovering from the Covid virus, vaxxed or not, so there is NO reason for anyone to panic or freak out with fear over this new global trend!!

This is why so many are comparing what is happening now to WW2, when the Jewish people were completely demonized. Mainly because the German population, along with the international community, were falsely convinced with propaganda that anyone who was Jewish was somehow spreading disease, specifically Typhus.

The definition of the word propaganda, is the spreading of ideological & political views or beliefs, using a mixture of fact and fiction, but in a very one-sided fashion, using mass or direct media. Sound familiar? We humans rarely seem to learn from our historical mistakes. We tend to forget many of the important lessons that were learned through previous stupidity. Adolf Hitler himself said that propaganda was the most powerful tool in the world. This means that even he likely didn't believe much of what the propaganda machine was preaching back in that era.

Looking back, we can clearly see how heroic the German helpers were who attempted to save Anne Frank and her family. It's easy to see they were doing the right thing. But back then, in the eyes of the vast majority of people surrounding them, this is obviously not how they were viewed. They were bucking the system, not following the herd. They were the fringe minority. It was risky, dangerous, stressful, and horribly uncomfortable for them. And yet, to this day, they say that they just knew it was the right thing to do. And now, years later, we all see it that way too. I think the main moral of this story, is that sometimes you have to follow your own instincts. Even when they go against everything that is being said and done around you. In other words, maybe it's NOT a good idea to "drink the Kool-Aid".

This is why you're noticing so many Anne Frank books popping up everywhere. The main propaganda machine of our era, is preaching that the unvaccinated are spreading this virus. And this is scientifically well known to be NOT TRUE! The unvaxxed are also NOT variant factories! Why then, are so many people jumping onto this propaganda bandwagon? It's a combination of things, but mainly it's because this narrative has become a seemingly unstoppable freight train. The scapegoating of the unvaccinated is entirely similar to the way that the Jewish people were scapegoated for the problems happening in Germany in that era.

Even though Pfizer themselves are attempting to step back from the Covid vaccine, by bringing out a therapeutic antiviral pill. Remember HIV & Aids? A vaccine for HIV was attempted but never very successful, so they've developed therapeutics to make the disease endemic. It seems that Pfizer is attempting to steer the Covid ship in this direction, before the vaccines sink the ship completely. This is likely why the Moderna stocks have been tanking recently, even with Biden's big announcement which should have had the opposite effect. Moderna shares have gone from a high of $484 USD on Aug. 9/21 down to $231 USD on Nov. 12/21.

This "human-engineered" health strategy for the future will NEVER be able to compete with our body's own natural ability to fight off infection and disease. In fact, it may just screw it up completely. This is why you rarely if ever hear about the vax status of those who have passed on from Covid these days. They used to shout it from the rooftops on the news, every day, all day long. Now, (on that info), it's crickets. The Covid vaccine ship is going down, quickly. Pfizer and Moderna already know this. The question is, how long will government leaders keep going with this charade, before they too finally admit it.

If we, the richer countries, stay on this Covid vaccine mandate path, the waves and the shots will go on forever. The shots will start to lose their effectiveness, and millions of people will die needlessly. If we transition over to therapeutics, like the Pfizer pill, (which has much higher efficacy, especially after a few months), this will keep our vulnerable people out of the hospitals. And will allow our immunity to build up naturally, the way our body was designed to do.

I for one, along with many others in this world, do NOT want to become property of the state over this. These mandates have now become a major violation of the constitution, because we know now that this thing is going to go on indefinitely. It's time for all of us to wake up & smell the coffee. As is the flu, this is NOT a short-term virus or crisis.

Leading epidemiologists and real world evidence both agree on this. The less we "human engineer" or "Frankenstein" our immune system, the better. Treating the disease when and IF it develops into a serious problem is a far more effective and safe course of action moving forward, now that we have an incredible new and effective treatment option. For those who are extremely vulnerable, the option of vaccination as well should be their own choice. This health strategy protects the young, the elderly, the unhealthy, the healthy, and everyone in between.

Sticking with the current strategy (again, in the wealthier countries), of force vaccinating everyone, at this point in the pandemic, is purely a power trip. A form of aggressive bullying by those in power toward the segments of our society who are younger and healthier. An extremely small percentage of healthy people do become seriously ill and develop "long Covid" symptoms. And the Pfizer antiviral pill treatment (for example), will ALSO prevent this from happening, and keep virtually EVERYONE out of the hospitals. It's time to realize the more intelligent solution to all of this, so that EVERYONE maximizes their health, not just the selfish and powerful few. If this does NOT happen (or something similar), then it's pretty obvious that people have just gone vaccine bananas. And I mean literally, OCD on a global scale.

For thousands of years, we humans have been trying to figure out what the best form of government really is. Pure socialism gives governments far too much control over us. We would lose many of the rights and freedoms that we currently (or used to) enjoy. Pure capitalism gives big business all the power, and the vast majority of us would become enslaved to the richer classes. Communism and dictatorships are horrifying in every way, and anarchy simply does not work. There are currently zero anarchist-run countries in the world (out of over 200). With this system (the absence of all government), every citizen has equal say in all decisions, which in theory, seems great. In reality however, millions of people would simply argue, fight, and debate every decision indefinitely, and nothing would ever get done in a timely manner (if at all).

Most countries are a mixture of capitalism & socialism, which in the right ratio, seems to work well. Which ratio is a debate that will rage on indefinitely. Way too much time is spent feuding over which political party has all the right answers, ideas, & ideologies. No party has all the right answers, & (almost) every party has had some great ideas. This is why politics & religion are so similar (& hotly debated). For some strange reason, most like to think that one group of people have all (or the vast majority) of the right answers. One good example would be (not trying to pick on any one country), but Democrats & Republicans. Our versions would be the Liberals & Conservatives.

There is a deep, primal urge we humans have, to polarize on issues, tribe-up with those who often view things as we do, and then do battle with the opposing tribes (parties). Many go along with virtually everything their favourite party believes in, basically to fit in with their "tribe". There is nothing inherently wrong with this, except that it means there will always be severely opposing views on virtually every single issue known to man, regardless of which view is right or wrong, better or worse. Recently, the two main political "tribes" in the US have morphed into being more "pro-Trump" vs "anti-Trump".

Down through the years, the world population has been chopped up into geographical and political territories (countries, states, provinces, cities, neighbourhoods, etc). People immigrate, emmigrate, vacation, and travel all over the world, and at the end of the day, we are all human beings. Due to rapidly advancing technologies and air travel, we are interacting more and more with people across the globe. It's becoming increasingly difficult to compartmentalize and marginalize pockets of our species from geography, but let's not create new pockets with covid.

Far too much emphasis is placed on competition between countries (and in general). Instead, more emphasis should be placed on helping each other out. Again, it comes down to the balancing act of competition and compassion. There is much lip service about equality in politics, as it is the "politically correct" thing to do. More and more extremely intelligent people are starting to actually believe in it, but the vast majority of our species still do not. This life is an evolutionary process (pardon my French for using such a controversial word). We may think that we are extremely advanced (as our forefathers also thought), but we still have a long way to go.

The sweet irony of this is that the more we help each other out, the better the world economy, stability, and quality of life becomes for everyone. Every country on Earth is linked economically and politically. If one does better, we all do better. I'm not trying to demonize competition (extremely healthy in the right dose). The big trick in life is figuring out what that dose should be. My personal opinion is that this happens naturally if we maintain respect for all citizens of Earth, and actually believe in human equality. Far too many people still marginalize those living in poverty, as it accentuates their own feelings of superiority. We may not think this is happening, but deep down inside it most definitely is. This is not just a mean-spirited attitude, it's inaccurate, as most are living this reality through no fault of their own. It's also extremely unwise, as the entire world would benefit economically from the eradication of poverty.

The issue of equality is a very big deal in politics, as it greatly influences major policy decisions (especially military and economic). Dr. King, Mother Teresa, John Lennon, JFK, Abe Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and many others had/have the right idea. These political figures were by no means perfect, but they all had this knowledge in common; our natural arse factor is constantly trying to convince us that our own kind, citizens and ultimately us are all that really matter in this life, but our egos are dead wrong. Irregardless of race, religion, gender, economic/status and country of origin/residence, we are all 100% equal in significance. Most (if not all) of the corruption, greed, military conflict, aggression, oppression, crime and poverty in this world would be completely eliminated very quickly if we truly believed this one fact.

Please be aware and never forget that people residing in the richer countries are the 10%, and citizens residing in the poorer countries are the 90% (no running water, etc.). The working middle class in developing countries are classified as those individuals living on/earning $4 to $13 PER DAY. Many kind individuals and organizations are performing many acts of generosity to help the situation, but world governments are doing very little to solve the root problems. This is something that could be achieved by the end of the year, with the right political will. That political will comes from us, the citizens of Earth.

The economic conditions in a country, province, or city are normally the underbelly of all other political issues. If we want to have any hope of making this world a better place for all of us, we need to start by dramatically improving the economic conditions on Earth. If we only had the resources to improve one aspect of life on this planet, this would be the one to choose, as the resulting benefits would be massive in all other areas as well. Even the equally gigantic issue of our environment must be mindful of the economy, as energy transition must be at the right pace in order to prevent a complete global financial collapse. That being said, the "right pace" must be aggressive enough to prevent a complete collapse of our environment.

The world is gradually uniting in many areas, but we need to dramatically pick up the pace. The planet does not care if we extinct ourselves from our own stupidity, but we should care. If we do not unite as the human race, we all know that it's highly possible we may just nuke ourselves into extinction, and that would be a damn shame. It would also make us one of the stupidest, most egomanical "intelligent" species to ever rule the Earth. We are definitely smart enough to create things like weapons of mass destruction, but we may not be wise enough to avoid destroying ourselves with them.

IN A PERFECT WORLD, there would be one race; "HUMAN", one country; "EARTH", and one religion; "UNITY". The main reason why we have divided ourselves (over the centuries) into territorial, political, racial, and religious "pockets" on Earth, is mainly to compete and attempt to feel superior to other pockets, or to just fit in with those around us. (Think nazi's, slavery, terrorism, the olympics, etc.). We are all biologically virtually identical, with only a few minor cosmetic differences. If aliens from another planet ever stop by for a visit, then we'll see some major biological differences. Globalization and the UN are helping a little, but it's still not enough. (P.S. Unity does NOT mean one world government!).

If the vast majority of us choose to remain complacent "herd followers" for the rest of our lives, then our race; the human race, will almost definitely become extinct in the very near future, and some other creature will become the dominant species. It's our massive egos that make us think that planet Earth needs us to survive. If we choose to destroy ourselves, Earth will recover back to normal shortly after we're gone. Save the planet? What a joke, we're like a mosquito thinking we can save an elephant. We need to save ourselves. I think we all pretty much realize that if World War 3 ever does happen, or if climate change is allowed to continue at the current rate, it will likely be the end for all of us on this planet (or any other).

There is a new form of polarization spreading across the Western hemisphere. On one end of the extreme, you have a growing "hate wave" of racism, narcissism, elitism, & an attitude of supremacy, and on the other you have a growing "love wave" of tolerance, compassion, humility, & a sense of equality for people from all walks of life. The US currently seems to be leading the way in this form of division, but before we point our finger at any one country, we had better point it back at ourselves, as no country on Earth is innocent of this.

Most people (including Biden & Trump), now realize that middle class jobs are disappearing at an alarming rate in the West. The problem is, most of us are not really aspiring to be middle class anyway. The vast majority are hoping to achieve much more. I mean really, who dreams of being middle-of-the-road in anything? Most are hoping to become wealthy (& possibly even famous as well). This is why many are simply not all that concerned about the erosion of the middle class. This would also be a monumental mistake, as this economic group pays the vast majority of all forms of taxes, & also drives the economy in the largest way (most consumers, at least for awhile).

What was really driving much of the recent problem with the US election (2020), was the entire fossil fuel group of industries. They, collectively, are the largest money-making entity on Earth. Climate Change is a massive issue on this planet, and one that Democrats and Republicans disagree on dramatically. Donald Trump came very close to destroying democracy in America, but he was not acting alone. Powerful financial forces were/are also at work. The effects of climate change are already starting to be noticed all over the world, especially in certain areas like California, Australia, and many countries in Europe. This issue was a major power play in America, with this 2020 election.

The biggest debate in economics will always be whether there should be more or less government control over free market systems. In theory, a free market economic system sounds like a fair & more natural way of doing things, but in reality, big business is running the show, and there is nothing "fair" or "natural" about it. Big business is after one thing only in life, more profit. Pure capitalism would work great, if we could just suck out some of the short-sighted greed. Not communism or pure socialism, but not the opposite, extreme polarization, which is erasing our biggest sector, the middle class.

Then, on the other hand, there is the "new" definition of the American dream, which is a much less materialistic & show-offy lifestyle, with far more potential for real happiness & actually being able to sleep well at night. The big problem however, is that the more gutted the middle classes become, the more "part time low wage jobs" are required just for basic survival. This creates far more "working poor", which is basically becoming a form of virtual slavery. In my own country of Canada, which injects far more socialism into the mix, we have a bizarre mixture developing of wealthy, well off, working poor, lazy poor (welfare), incredible-paying government jobs, horrible-paying outsourced government jobs, and tons of new "volunteer" internships (for the young university graduates).

Our mainly free market systems are simply becoming increasingly polarized as time marches on (the wealth & income gaps are widening). This is painfully obvious, for example, whenever we hear about top execs getting huge 50% raises, when they're already earning millions each year, while at the same time laying off thousands of middle earning workers. The common excuse given by these companies, is that they need to attract & retain top talent in a competitive global market. My comeback to that would be, if the talent is so great, why did/do you need all those corporate welfare handouts and/or tax breaks just to stay afloat? Ignorance is not bliss, & it's time that we "regular" people stand up for ourselves. If we the masses choose to allow (through sheer complacency) our economies to further evolve this way, then we'll basically just get more & more of this "take from the middle to give to the rich" (time & money), which is detrimental to the overall economy & quality of life.

The Darwinistic "survival of the fittest", "let the free market decide everything" philosophy works out great for the rich, but God help those who aren't if this ideology reigns supreme. Then there are times when the free market should be left alone, as interference can just make a huge mess of things (the real estate market is a good example of this). The reason why, is that investment in real estate is one of the very few ways that us common folk can actually get ahead in life. If the sale of, or capital gains of primary residences start to become taxed, then we're all royally screwed. Keep in mind that "corporate welfare" and contracts are constantly siphoning off tax money from governments to the already rich. It's a tricky subject, but one that deserves a lot of our attention.

One reason why my country has always had a very aggressive immigration policy, is largely because of the vast amount of infrastructure that must be paid for by a relatively small number of people. While this is true, many long-time Canadian citizens are naturally extremely concerned about losing out, if meaningful employment or business opportunities can't keep pace with this flow of immigration. This obviously seems to be a pretty big concern for many in the US & Europe right now as well. This is also one of the main issues driving Brexit. The big debate is who to prioritize. Income earning opportunities for our own citizens, or compassion for others in the world who are suffering.

It's painfully obvious however, that the massive global issues such as extreme poverty & climate change are simply not high priorities for America & other affluent countries. The main reason for this is simple. The average citizen in the richer 20 or so countries is far more concerned about their domestic economy, or in other words, their/our ability to achieve or maintain the appearance (and/or) reality of financial success. Also our ability to experience the ultimate turbo-stimulated lifestyles is extremely important to many of us. These two priorities always dramatically trump any concerns more distantly removed from our immediate reality. It's just short & near-sighted thinking, pure & simple.

While it's indeed not possible for all humans on Earth to eat meat (for example), there are in fact plenty of resources for all to eat well & nutritiously. We're just choosing (globally), to prioritize the indulgences of the elite (that's us), over the survival (or health) of the extremely poor. We also don't seem to care much about the survival of all future generations (including our own descendents), as dealing with climate change (to any serious degree), is not really a big priority for most. It seems, that in the minds of many, it really is all about us.

The Republicans are accusing the Democrats of being socialist, and the Democrats are accusing the Republicans of being racist. In my opinion, they both have some valid points, but the viciousness of this election was extremely unhealthy for democracy. As is the case in my own country of Canada, along with many others around the globe, the US is currently a mixture of capitalism and socialism, and has been for a very long time. Things like Social Security, publicly funded education, health care, infrastructure, and employment or disability insurance are all forms of socialism.

It basically smooths off the rough edges of pure capitalism, and without it, economies and quality of life (for everyone), in many countries around the world, would suffer greatly. These two parties going at it like gladiators in the US, was very dangerous and destructive. There's almost a religious or cult element to what was going on. Trump definitely believed that he was a God of some sort, and so did many of his followers.

There is a very good reason why the current freedom movement, which started in Canada, is spreading like wildfire across the planet. Without our basic rights as human beings, we have nothing. Not much else in this life matters without them. Freedom is not a right-wing issue, or a left-wing issue, it's a human being issue, and ESSENTIAL for our global health and well-being moving forward. There is even a global index which accurately measures the overall freedom of citizens in 165 countries around the world. My own country of Canada has always ranked extremely high in this area, and the vast majority of my fellow Canadians want this to continue.

Freedom & democracy are worth fighting for, and are the only way that any of us in North America, or around the world, will ever be able to achieve or maintain true peace & prosperity on this planet. Life is a team effort, and no one person, country, race, religion, or party will ever have all the answers. We need each other in a major way, or none of us will survive & thrive for much longer. Life is tricky & complex, & no matter how intelligent a person or group think they are, they'll never know everything. It's time for we the humans of Earth to band together, build each other up, and do this thing called life the better way.

Tribal thinking has more potential to create extremely aggressive, vicious, & destructive behaviour than from any other sociological source. Not just affecting violence, but also basic social interaction. As a species, we had better get a grip on this (fairly quickly), or globally we'll be in some serious trouble very soon. While it's definitely true that some countries seem to function better than others, this does not mean that pockets of our species are somehow more or less significant than others. Cultural diversity also enhances life on Earth overall. One of the main reasons why we travel is to see & experience different cultures. As long as we maintain our sense of equality and respect for all of humanity, and communicate effectively between countries, then our species will head in a positive direction.

When you look at the rock-hard facts & stats, the countries which promote human equality always enjoy vastly superior economic prosperity and overall quality of life. In this fact, there is simply no debate. The basic (& simple) reason for this reality, is that with far less income disparity (regardless of career type), far more members of any given society have plenty of extra money to spend, which is of course the main driving force behind every countries' economy. The other basic factor in this equation, is that virtually every career type is necessary for every society on Earth to function.

There obviously needs to be enough financial incentive for many to become educated or deal with high normal levels of pressure, but again, the proof is in the pudding. Egofest aside, it simply works. Overall quality of life improves not just because of the money (in & of itself), but because of the added respect that it encourages. Every productive member of society should be able to take pride in their work, as all forms of work are necessary to make a society function. We can't all be doctors, lawyers, politicians and rock stars. Everyone knows, basically, which career types pay lousy, and this ultimately sucks much of the joy & respect from these careers. Often, many of these same careers contain huge responsibility levels, and are hugely important to society. Two good examples of this would be auto mechanics & school bus drivers, but obviously scores of different careers fall into this category (and the list is growing).

In my own province of Ontario, Canada, I am very proud to say that the minimum wage was recently raised (Jan. 1, 2018) to $14/hr. from the previous $11. Many small business owners were not happy about this, but what they soon realized, was that the increase in sales far more than compensated for the extra $3/hr. per employee expense. It just takes looking at the bigger picture. When the average person on the street has some extra money to spend, you can bet they are going to spend it, and this drives up sales & revenue (across the board) and the local economy overall. (Jan. 1, 2022, min. wage in Ontario went up to $15/hr.).

I am currently one of those small business owners, and have had numerous employees in the past. What I've learned from being on that side of the fence, is that it doesn't take a huge jump in sales and revenue, to create a large jump in profit, even though certain expenses do increase. Capitalism mixed with a bit of socialism does not equal communism. It actually creates an economy that is incredibly rich and inclusive. Without trying to brag, or be overly patriotic, my country is living proof that this economic system works extremely well.
Discussion #2 - Politics

Let's be very clear here. The people living in fear are those who are choosing neverending harsh restrictions, over freedom and liberty. Areas of the world, whether they be provinces, states, or even entire countries, are starting to choose between freedom or restrictions. Their long-term health over routinely taking drugs and wearing masks, and optimism & courage over obsessive dread and fear.

What is now starting to happen in reality is people, especially younger people, are beginning to fight back and/or migrate to these areas, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Most in the world are now fully aware that this is not just a short-term pandemic, this is to some degree our future on this planet, especially in areas of extremely high urban density.

The young people of this world, (and surprisingly many of the braver more mature adults as well) are NOT willing to tolerate this environment of fear and mandates for much longer. Especially when we now know that Covid, like the flu, will never be eradicated. Largely because it's completely impossible to vaccinate all of the wild animals on Earth, not to mention all of the people over, and over, and over again. This would ALSO be necessary to eradicate or even dramatically reduce the spread and mutating of this virus, along with the flu.

Without our freedom and fundamental rights as human beings, we have nothing. Without them, we are literally property of the state, slaves who get paid. This is not just a right-wing thing, it's a human thing. I can tell you as a Canadian, that these truckers are not afraid of much in this world, except for maybe communism. They're not afraid of, or in any way against vaccines or masks, just the mandating of them. They're afraid of the loss of our basic rights as human beings, AND WE SHOULD ALL BE!

To protect the vulnerable in our societies, we must be far more targeted and efficient than this, by using antiviral treatments such as Paxlovid from Pfizer. It, along with a few others, are a MILLION TIMES more efficient method to treat the very small percentage of people who are becoming seriously ill from this virus. Especially when you compare it to our horrifying attempts to Frankenstein and re-engineer the healthy immune system of virtually everyone on Earth.

I mean seriously, who the h##l do we think we are??? That many of us actually believe we are able to design a healthy immune system to be better than it is naturally??? This is SUCH a good example of how insanely massive our egos are as human beings, and the natural world is currently giving us a lesson in humility, and a pretty good idea now of who's really in charge.

Overwhelmed hospitals, a problem that is happening ONLY in the richer countries of our world, is definitely a huge problem, no one is arguing this. However, therapeutic treatments such as Paxlovid, (which are also very much science by the way), according to Pfizer and many medical doctors, will keep 90% of all seriously ill Covid patients OUT of the hospitals, and safe in their homes. This will allow the remaining 7.9 billion people on Earth to build up their immunity naturally, which is a much healthier and safer way to go, AND solve the problem of overwhelmed hospitals. These vaccine shots are NOT vitamins people, they're serious drugs.

Even the IDEA of attempting to drug up everyone on Earth, in a routine and ongoing fashion, is pure madness. Especially when it's so clearly not necessary. For ANYONE to take unnecessary drugs is an extremely bad idea, unless of course you're somehow on the receiving end of it financially. Somehow, many people have got it in their heads that these vaccines are actually healthy for us, and they simply are not. You will NEVER find ANY vaccine in a health food store, BECAUSE THEY ARE SERIOUS DRUGS! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Virtually ALL countries have given up on the "Covid-0" strategy now, with the main exception being China.

According to a recent Angus Reid poll (our most reliable pollster), the majority of people in my country now want all mandates to end, and want to manage their own risk level. This number is also rising quickly. Countries such as the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and South Africa, have already removed virtually all of their Covid mandates. And many more countries will soon follow.

All over the world, in virtually all democratic areas, people are now starting to choose freedom and wisdom over obsessive and extreme fear. We were willing to push the pause button on our rights to get through this crisis, but now, according to MOST PEOPLE it's time for governments to start handing them back.

In recent years, across the globe, we have all been experiencing a public health crisis which is attempting to take away many of our most important freedoms & liberties as human beings. Governments & political leaders must be extremely vigilant to protect these basic human rights. The trend that is scaring people the most (vaxxed or not), is confusion and debate about who should have control over what drugs do or do not get pumped into our body on a regular & ongoing basis. Governments, employers, our friends & family, or us.

Make no mistake, this is some very scary stuff. If this were a movie script, it would be a terrifying movie. But it's not, it's our current reality, and we need political leaders to ignore what big business is pushing them to do, and listen to the people. This should not be about big corporations or the ultra-wealthy making more money, this is our one-and-only body we're talking about here. We as individual human beings should maintain control over the vaccines and other drugs that get put into our body. Period.

If governments and employers have the right to dictate this, even in the name of public health, then the entire world is truly descending into tyranny and autocracy. We can't let this pandemic push us right back to the dark ages. Similar to what's happening in Afghanistan to women's rights under the Taliban, a similar trend is happening to all of us, all over the world. YOUNG PEOPLE OF EARTH, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE GETTING VACCINATED EVERY 6 MONTHS??? If not, you'd better speak up now, as this is where it's all heading!

Economic growth cannot be all that matters in this life. Big business wants more money, as usual, and that is what's really driving this strong political push. What's odd about this situation for me personally, is that I'm normally far more left wing, but on this issue, I side strongly with the Right. I guess I'm just not an overly tribal person. We do however, need to reduce the spread of this virus. So for this reason, I'm personally (along with many others) just fine with indoor masking. In Ontario, Canada, we are experiencing extremely low covid numbers, for this exact reason. Globally, a surprising number of healthcare workers, which includes nurses AND physicians, are choosing NOT to get vaccinated. They're choosing their enhanced, natural immunity over drug-induced, and many people are starting to pay attention to this reality.

When everyone thought that this was going to be a short-term thing, a couple of vaccine shots, no big deal, most were OK with this. Now we're learning that this is most likely going to be similar to the flu virus, constantly mutating indefinitely, so the game has changed dramatically. This pandemic is not going to have the fairytale ending that most of us were really hoping for. WE CANNOT FORCE VACCINATE EVERYONE ON EARTH EVERY 6 MONTHS!!! If we did, it would not just be the death of freedom, but also the single biggest crime to humanity in the entire history of the human race. Not to mention, the health consequences would be catastrophic. Some are calling medical freedom fighters selfish. They're not, because in the years to come, the over-vaccinated will likely be the ones overwhelming health care, not the unvaccinated. After a few years, natural immunity will likely prove to be far more durable, long-lasting, broad-spectrum, & powerful than constant vaccine-induced.

The mainstream media is playing a huge role in all of this. They are increasingly demonizing & dividing people around the world. The reason why is simple. The media is yet another very large industry attempting to make more money. And what sells the most? Drama, ferocity, viciousness, crime, basically the more animalistic forms of human behaviour. Human, and especially corporate greed is destroying the social fabric of our world. Making us far more aggressive, disrespectful, & tribal (us vs them) toward each other. I understand they're frustrated because they have to compete with so many other forms of media now, but it does not excuse what's happening. It's like they're literally trying to get everyone fired up & divided. Both left wing AND right wing media outlets are becoming far more extreme, because it gets people in both camps far more juiced, excited, & increases the entertainment level.

There is extreme proof to everything I'm saying about this pandemic. Something extremely shocking is happening in the poorer countries of this world. Although most did have a bad Covid outbreak in spring of 2021, currently (in January 2022), their new daily cases, along with deaths, hospitalizations, and serious illness, are all now a TINY FRACTION, per capita, of what they are in the richer countries!!

While there are many obvious differences between cultures, which could explain bits & pieces of these massive discrepancies, what is quickly becoming extremely obvious to many, is that natural immunity is kicking vaccinated immunity's butt all over this planet!! Especially when you look at the poorer nations' vaccination rates, compared to the richer countries! Also, the vast majority of people in these often massive, densely populated countries have already had the virus, had mild symptoms, and have recovered. All this with 80-90% of their populations still unvaccinated!!

Countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and the list goes on and on. While the richer countries often have packed ICU's, the hospitals in the poor countries of this world are extremely quiet. And their numbers are still falling dramatically. And will continue to do so, since the vast majority have already been exposed to or had the virus, and have therefore built up extremely durable and powerful natural immunity. Overall death rates in these countries are also unbelievably low (one tenth to one hundredth per capita) compared to the rich countries. Some might argue that these nations are underreporting, but the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is easy to see. Hospitals in the poorer countries are basically back to normal, while many in the richer nations are struggling desperately.

It turns out that when it comes to the covid pandemic, living in a poor country seems to be paying off in a very big way! This is NOT misinformation folks!! If you look at the graphs & charts from all of the reputable sources, you will be absolutely stunned by what is currently happening in our world with this pandemic!! (Reuters global covid tracker is an excellent site). Then there is also the Merck pill coming out in a few months (end of 2021-ish), which will also be a huge game-changer. I understand that there is a massive power struggle going on in the world right now, mainly over these vaccines, but this is getting ridiculous! We're talking about people's lives here! At some point in the near future, fact has GOT to win out over power-hungry fiction. Along with people desperately trying to bury the truth!

We richer citizens of Earth are in many ways behaving like a bunch of pampered control freaks. Trying to over-vaccinate all of the sickness out of everyone, and not allowing our immune system to fight things naturally. In many ways we've been getting away with it up until now, but with Covid, it's now starting to bite us in the butt big-time. We now have many different vaccines, for an ever-increasing number of viruses. It seems that we really don't want to get sick from ANYTHING these days! I get this, being sick is no fun, but it does give our immune system something to chew on naturally every now & then. And this is why natural immunity will end up winning this Covid war in the end. In fact, it's winning the war right now in the developing countries of our world.

When companies like Facebook start being attacked, it worries me. People in very high places are attempting to censor and muzzle the internet, and free speech overall. It's not rocket science. Then they can push their own agendas without pesky things like free conversation from getting in the way! I'm sure Facebook is not completely innocent here, but what company is these days?? Also, mainstream media is basically doing the exact same thing. Which is dividing people with extremist language, firing them up, in an attempt to make more money! Most forms of media are up to the same sorts of tricks. The big difference here, is that we can all have a bit of input & voice with the internet. Virtually no one can be silenced, even if the powerful forces in our world don't like what we're saying!

There are three basic camps in this covid debate. There is the camp of people who, (largely thanks to the mainstream media), have become complete hypochondriacs & germophobes, who want everyone on Earth vaccinated, masked, & completely germ-free. No disrespect intended, but they're generally older, or folks who are just far more nervous in general. Then there is the second camp, who want to remove all restrictions whatsoever, and basically let the virus do it's thing. Generally, these are the younger or healthier folks. Then there is the third camp of people, who are trying to find a sensible balance in all of this. Say perhaps, strongly encourage indoor masking, and not force vaccinations on everyone.

There is a lot of political spin being used on this issue. If you belong to the "vaccinate everyone forever" tribe, you would likely spin this and say "this is not a time for half measures". It all depends on what colour of lenses you're looking through. Young people have most of their life still in front of them. To them, the thought of a lifetime of constant, neverending vaccinations and mask-wearing is terrifying. To a senior citizen, or someone with serious health problems, the thought of everyone NOT doing this is terrifying! It really does depend on the angle or viewpoint that you're looking from.

The big problem, is that the young people of our world simply do not have the political clout, or financial power to really have much say in all of this! Especially when we're telling them they can't get an education, or even a job without going along with this. There could be a tiny argument here if there were no other options, but given the fact that the poor, largely unvaccinated countries in our world are experiencing hospitals that are much quieter than ours, this is simply a power thing. Even many of the red states in America are now experiencing sharply decling new daily cases, hospitalizations, & deaths now, such as Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Iowa, Arkansas, etc. As of October 2021, Texas has less than 52% fully vaxxed, and Tennessee 53% one dose, and 46% fully vaxxed. These same states also have low mask usage as well.

Big business wants to vaccinate the entire world, but because the poor countries have basically let the virus do it's thing, virtually unsuppressed, their citizens simply don't need it now. Same basic principle also applies to some American states as well. They've built up enough natural immunity that vaccinations and masking are completely unnecessary. They have a tiny fraction of the new daily cases, hospitalizations, & deaths compared to richer countries, and vaccines would do far more harm than good at this point. The same thing would happen here if we were willing to let the virus run it's course largely unsuppressed.

The politics and people in power will never allow this to happen in richer nations, but for the love of God, we can't force all of our young, healthy people to live on vaccines for the rest of their lives!! This entire notion is incredibly disgusting and revolting, when you look at the bigger picture on this issue. Especially when you consider how much corruption is involved in attempting to bury the truth on this!

We all need to get this fairytale about eradicating covid out of our heads, and fast. In the history of our entire species, there has only been one infectious disease which has ever been eradicated by a vaccine, smallpox. Polio is very close to being eradicated worldwide as well. This is, and will be possible, because they are both isolated to human beings only, and not animals, insects, or nature in general. They are strictly human pathogens, with no other natural reservoirs.

This is why the chances of ever eradicating Covid-19 or the flu are virtually zero. They are NOT isolated to humans only. In fact, it's currently believed that bats were the original source of this virus for humans, as they are believed by experts to be reservoirs of diverse coronaviruses. So this means that wild animals are definitely in play for both Covid and the flu.

We'd better start planning for the long-term, and get comfortable with Covid being around indefinitely, or we're just being extremely naive and foolish. This means that for those who are planning to get boosters, just like with the flu shots, you'll most likely be getting them for the rest of your life. As time marches on, the effectiveness of these boosters fade, as experienced in Israel. This is why natural immunity is winning this Covid war worldwide.

Mask-wearing also, for those areas of the world who are mandating them, will also likely be a life-long situation. It's obvious to most, that wearing a mask makes it harder to breathe. We have yet to discover what long-term effects may result from this, but they can't be good.

This is why the mandates need to stop now. There are far more health factors at play here than just the spread of this virus. Those who are against mandated virus suppression methods which are risking the health of our young people, especially, are not the demons here. We now know that everyone is spreading the virus, as the vaccine's efficacy starts to wane soon after inoculation. The longer the mandates and passports are allowed to continue, the more stigmatized and divided groups of our societies will become. Constant onging forced vaccination and masking, of everyone on Earth forever, is NOT the solution to this problem.

Covid and the flu will not be eradicated. Why waking up to this reality is so important, is that this fantasy is what is largely fueling the obsession to force everyone to get vaxxed. People want this pandemic to disappear completely, so that all restrictions can be lifted, and everything can go right back to normal. The problem, is that this will never happen for areas which are using constant widespread suppression methods. We need to start living in reality now, before it's too late.

The most obvious proof of this, as of November 2021, would be to look at what is happening in Bangladesh, and the United Kingdom. This is just one example of many, but currently this extremely poor country (Bangladesh) of almost 165 million people, is experiencing less than 200 new daily cases of Covid-19, less than 10 daily deaths, (and falling fast!). Their vaccination rate is just over 18% fully vaxxed, with masking optional. They've had just under 28,000 Covid deaths in total since the pandemic began.

The UK, on the other hand, is a rich country of just over 68 million people (less than half). Their new daily cases are over 40,000 PER DAY, with around 200 daily deaths (and rising!). Their total Covid deaths so far are almost 139,000, and their current vaccination rate is approx. 68%, & almost 80% of population over 12!! I'm not trying to pick on the UK here, but these differences are incredibly shocking, to say the least! It's easy to get buried in a sea of statistics, so this one example is a way to get a clear sense of what is really happening in our world right now.

Drug companies aren't stupid. They already know that Covid and the flu will never be eradicated, and they see big dollar signs from this fact. This is why the "Covid-zero" strategy is so dangerous. It's a way of extending the crisis categorization of this pandemic indefinitely. Thus extending all of the virus suppression methods & mandates indefinitely as well. We all know that Covid is far more serious than the flu, but what they share in common is that they are both NOT strictly human pathogens. The chances of eradicating either one are roughly the same, zero.

The proof is in the pudding. The flu vaccine has been in production since the 1930's. This is why we all know that the flu shots will go on forever, as will the Covid shots. The big fear is that so will the mandates, along with the loss of our constitutional rights and freedoms.

I understand that none of us want more outbreaks, lockdowns, premature death and suffering, but there still must be a sense of balance in all of this. There are still FAR more young people dying and suffering from serious permanent injuries due to car/road accidents than from Covid, the flu, & all other viruses combined. Vehicular accidents are STILL the #1 killer of humans aged 1 through 54 in the US (for example), and over 2 million Americans are permanently injured each year from these accidents. And I don't see anybody trying to mandate how much we drive our cars. To clarify, 750,000 US deaths from Covid in 20/21, and 4,000,000 serious permanent injuries from car accidents, most of which are younger people.

Whenever there is corruption in this world, all you normally have to do is follow the money trail to find out who is behind it. There is NO money to be made in limiting how much we drive. Even though it's massively contributing to climate change and the destruction of our environment, we will never lose our freedom to drive our cars as much as we please, because big business is making more money this way. That and we absolutely love driving our cars. In fact, our obsession with consumption is likely what's causing this pandemic in the first place.

Countries on the lower end of the human development index are doing far better in this pandemic than countries on the high end, because they do NOT have the long history of heavy vaccine suppression of viruses that we rich countries do. This reality is being ferociously buried by big business in the mainstream media, for obvious reasons. The two countries which are confusing people the most right now are Russia and Brazil. Not everyone realizes that Brazil's HDI is rated "high" at .761 and Russia's "very high" at .824 (as of October 2021).

Also, both countries have a long history of aggressive viral suppression by vaccine going all the way back to the 1970's. Brazil has long been considered a "champion" of immunization for over 50 years now. This is why Russia and Brazil, just like most of the richer countries in our world, are struggling so much with this pandemic. In fact, we've had the wrong idea about heavily suppressing viral illness since the late 1700's, but didn't realize it until Covid. Most people still don't realize it, but not for long.

We've had a few success stories over the years such as smallpox and polio, because they are only transmittable from human to human, but Covid-19 is proving to be a serious game-changer, and challenging everything we've always believed about epidemiology. Let's not stifle this new information like greedy neanderthals. Let's embrace it, so that we can continue to advance peacefully and democratically moving forward, like the advanced species that we are. This is not misinformation, this is new information, there is a huge difference. If all we're going to do is label our new discoveries as misinformation, just because they don't line up with our own personal ideologies, then we are all in very serious trouble. This is why there is such an incredible amount of division in the scientific community right now, (along with everyone else).

At the end of the day, this is a survival issue, and we should be free to do what we feel gives ourselves and our families, the best chances for survival, along with long-term health & wellness. If this for you means a lifetime of vaccinations, mask-wearing, hand-sanitizing, etc., then so be it. But if this for you means building up your natural immunity, then this should also be your constitutional right, and it is. As long as over-the-top fear, panic, and corporate greed do not extend this "crisis mode" that we're currently in forever. Keep in mind, the first documented cases of the flu were in the year 1357, and the first flu epidemic was in the years 1386 and 1387.

The vast majority of humans on Earth today, have never experienced a dramatic loss of their freedom. We don't really tend to value something, until we've experienced the loss of it. The capitol riots were an aggressive attack on democracy, and now the Covid mandates are an aggressive attack on our freedom. Just like democracy, our liberty can be easily lost, and extremely difficult to get back once it is.

As humans, the fear of premature death definitely does seem to trump all other fears & concerns, and for good reason. But we must not forget the tens of millions of young, healthy people who fought and died for our freedom, rights, and liberty. They chose to sacrifice their entire life for our freedom, and now we're just throwing it all away because of our own unreasonable fears. We can easily keep people safe from Covid, and the flu, without destroying our democracy. We need to think long and hard about what kind of world we want to live in, and leave to our children. After all we've been through, do we really want to leave them with a world without freedom?

The other massive problem for the richer countries of our world, is the plummeting birth rates. You're probably already noticing this when your local fast food restaurant or coffee shop hasn't enough staff to keep their dine-in or take-out lobby open. We're also starting to see help wanted signs everywhere. This, unfortunately for business owners, is NOT just a temporary blip in our human microevolution. These falling birth rates are something that's been going on since the 2008 financial crisis. The pandemic is just dramatically amplifying the problem.

The recent trend of the majority of young people, both genders, getting advanced university degrees, in reality has pros and cons attached to it. The pros are that companies can easily find highly educated employees, and these young people will generally make more money. The big negative however, is that this trend is brutal on the birth rates in these countries. Young people are NOT planning to waste these expensive degrees, and this means most often waiting until they're in their thirties to start their family. To a large degree, this is why the birth rates in most developed countries are quickly and steadily declining. To the point now where it's becoming economically dangerous. With fewer and fewer younger people working, and paying taxes, to support a much more numerous and growing older segment of our populations. We can always mitigate the problem with immigration, but too much can cause other issues if it's not done properly.

By far the biggest form of collateral damage from all of the mandates in this pandemic, is the further damage being done to the already hurting birth rates in the richer countries. Taking away people's freedom and control over their own body is one thing, but now we're also taking away the lives of our unborn, unconceived children as well. Now that the Pfizer and Merck Covid pills are arriving, with Pfizer at 89% efficacy in preventing (or more accurately curing) serious illness, we need to stop the insanity now. This ridiculous power struggle is costing us all in ways that we're just beginning to fully understand. If we can just ditch all of the dictatorship crap, and let young people calm down, they'll feel much more comfortable with the idea of settling in and starting a family.

There is a lot of "bulldozing" of the truth going on right now, because people are being told to discredit everything that's being said by those who are viewed as being "anti-vaxxers". A word that has been completely demonized. This is going to have very dire consequences for many in the very near future. In fact, the immediate future, since in many countries now well over half of the Covid deaths are fully immunized people (and rising!). To be clear, there has ALWAYS been a better than 99% chance of recovering from the Covid virus, vaxxed or not, so there is NO reason for anyone to panic or freak out with fear over this new global trend!!

This is why so many are comparing what is happening now to WW2, when the Jewish people were completely demonized. Mainly because the German population, along with the international community, were falsely convinced with propaganda that anyone who was Jewish was somehow spreading disease, specifically Typhus.

The definition of the word propaganda, is the spreading of ideological & political views or beliefs, using a mixture of fact and fiction, but in a very one-sided fashion, using mass or direct media. Sound familiar? We humans rarely seem to learn from our historical mistakes. We tend to forget many of the important lessons that were learned through previous stupidity. Adolf Hitler himself said that propaganda was the most powerful tool in the world. This means that even he likely didn't believe much of what the propaganda machine was preaching back in that era.

Looking back, we can clearly see how heroic the German helpers were who attempted to save Anne Frank and her family. It's easy to see they were doing the right thing. But back then, in the eyes of the vast majority of people surrounding them, this is obviously not how they were viewed. They were bucking the system, not following the herd. They were the fringe minority. It was risky, dangerous, stressful, and horribly uncomfortable for them. And yet, to this day, they say that they just knew it was the right thing to do. And now, years later, we all see it that way too. I think the main moral of this story, is that sometimes you have to follow your own instincts. Even when they go against everything that is being said and done around you. In other words, maybe it's NOT a good idea to "drink the Kool-Aid".

This is why you're noticing so many Anne Frank books popping up everywhere. The main propaganda machine of our era, is preaching that the unvaccinated are spreading this virus. And this is scientifically well known to be NOT TRUE! The unvaxxed are also NOT variant factories! Why then, are so many people jumping onto this propaganda bandwagon? It's a combination of things, but mainly it's because this narrative has become a seemingly unstoppable freight train. The scapegoating of the unvaccinated is entirely similar to the way that the Jewish people were scapegoated for the problems happening in Germany in that era.

Even though Pfizer themselves are attempting to step back from the Covid vaccine, by bringing out a therapeutic antiviral pill. Remember HIV & Aids? A vaccine for HIV was attempted but never very successful, so they've developed therapeutics to make the disease endemic. It seems that Pfizer is attempting to steer the Covid ship in this direction, before the vaccines sink the ship completely. This is likely why the Moderna stocks have been tanking recently, even with Biden's big announcement which should have had the opposite effect. Moderna shares have gone from a high of $484 USD on Aug. 9/21 down to $231 USD on Nov. 12/21.

This "human-engineered" health strategy for the future will NEVER be able to compete with our body's own natural ability to fight off infection and disease. In fact, it may just screw it up completely. This is why you rarely if ever hear about the vax status of those who have passed on from Covid these days. They used to shout it from the rooftops on the news, every day, all day long. Now, (on that info), it's crickets. The Covid vaccine ship is going down, quickly. Pfizer and Moderna already know this. The question is, how long will government leaders keep going with this charade, before they too finally admit it.

If we, the richer countries, stay on this Covid vaccine mandate path, the waves and the shots will go on forever. The shots will start to lose their effectiveness, and millions of people will die needlessly. If we transition over to therapeutics, like the Pfizer pill, (which has much higher efficacy, especially after a few months), this will keep our vulnerable people out of the hospitals. And will allow our immunity to build up naturally, the way our body was designed to do.

I for one, along with many others in this world, do NOT want to become property of the state over this. These mandates have now become a major violation of the constitution, because we know now that this thing is going to go on indefinitely. It's time for all of us to wake up & smell the coffee. As is the flu, this is NOT a short-term virus or crisis.

Leading epidemiologists and real world evidence both agree on this. The less we "human engineer" or "Frankenstein" our immune system, the better. Treating the disease when and IF it develops into a serious problem is a far more effective and safe course of action moving forward, now that we have an incredible new and effective treatment option. For those who are extremely vulnerable, the option of vaccination as well should be their own choice. This health strategy protects the young, the elderly, the unhealthy, the healthy, and everyone in between.

Sticking with the current strategy (again, in the wealthier countries), of force vaccinating everyone, at this point in the pandemic, is purely a power trip. A form of aggressive bullying by those in power toward the segments of our society who are younger and healthier. An extremely small percentage of healthy people do become seriously ill and develop "long Covid" symptoms. And the Pfizer antiviral pill treatment (for example), will ALSO prevent this from happening, and keep virtually EVERYONE out of the hospitals. It's time to realize the more intelligent solution to all of this, so that EVERYONE maximizes their health, not just the selfish and powerful few. If this does NOT happen (or something similar), then it's pretty obvious that people have just gone vaccine bananas. And I mean literally, OCD on a global scale.

For thousands of years, we humans have been trying to figure out what the best form of government really is. Pure socialism gives governments far too much control over us. We would lose many of the rights and freedoms that we currently (or used to) enjoy. Pure capitalism gives big business all the power, and the vast majority of us would become enslaved to the richer classes. Communism and dictatorships are horrifying in every way, and anarchy simply does not work. There are currently zero anarchist-run countries in the world (out of over 200). With this system (the absence of all government), every citizen has equal say in all decisions, which in theory, seems great. In reality however, millions of people would simply argue, fight, and debate every decision indefinitely, and nothing would ever get done in a timely manner (if at all).

Most countries are a mixture of capitalism & socialism, which in the right ratio, seems to work well. Which ratio is a debate that will rage on indefinitely. Way too much time is spent feuding over which political party has all the right answers, ideas, & ideologies. No party has all the right answers, & (almost) every party has had some great ideas. This is why politics & religion are so similar (& hotly debated). For some strange reason, most like to think that one group of people have all (or the vast majority) of the right answers. One good example would be (not trying to pick on any one country), but Democrats & Republicans. Our versions would be the Liberals & Conservatives.

There is a deep, primal urge we humans have, to polarize on issues, tribe-up with those who often view things as we do, and then do battle with the opposing tribes (parties). Many go along with virtually everything their favourite party believes in, basically to fit in with their "tribe". There is nothing inherently wrong with this, except that it means there will always be severely opposing views on virtually every single issue known to man, regardless of which view is right or wrong, better or worse. Recently, the two main political "tribes" in the US have morphed into being more "pro-Trump" vs "anti-Trump".

Down through the years, the world population has been chopped up into geographical and political territories (countries, states, provinces, cities, neighbourhoods, etc). People immigrate, emmigrate, vacation, and travel all over the world, and at the end of the day, we are all human beings. Due to rapidly advancing technologies and air travel, we are interacting more and more with people across the globe. It's becoming increasingly difficult to compartmentalize and marginalize pockets of our species from geography, but let's not create new pockets with covid.

Far too much emphasis is placed on competition between countries (and in general). Instead, more emphasis should be placed on helping each other out. Again, it comes down to the balancing act of competition and compassion. There is much lip service about equality in politics, as it is the "politically correct" thing to do. More and more extremely intelligent people are starting to actually believe in it, but the vast majority of our species still do not. This life is an evolutionary process (pardon my French for using such a controversial word). We may think that we are extremely advanced (as our forefathers also thought), but we still have a long way to go.

The sweet irony of this is that the more we help each other out, the better the world economy, stability, and quality of life becomes for everyone. Every country on Earth is linked economically and politically. If one does better, we all do better. I'm not trying to demonize competition (extremely healthy in the right dose). The big trick in life is figuring out what that dose should be. My personal opinion is that this happens naturally if we maintain respect for all citizens of Earth, and actually believe in human equality. Far too many people still marginalize those living in poverty, as it accentuates their own feelings of superiority. We may not think this is happening, but deep down inside it most definitely is. This is not just a mean-spirited attitude, it's inaccurate, as most are living this reality through no fault of their own. It's also extremely unwise, as the entire world would benefit economically from the eradication of poverty.

The issue of equality is a very big deal in politics, as it greatly influences major policy decisions (especially military and economic). Dr. King, Mother Teresa, John Lennon, JFK, Abe Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and many others had/have the right idea. These political figures were by no means perfect, but they all had this knowledge in common; our natural arse factor is constantly trying to convince us that our own kind, citizens and ultimately us are all that really matter in this life, but our egos are dead wrong. Irregardless of race, religion, gender, economic/status and country of origin/residence, we are all 100% equal in significance. Most (if not all) of the corruption, greed, military conflict, aggression, oppression, crime and poverty in this world would be completely eliminated very quickly if we truly believed this one fact.

Please be aware and never forget that people residing in the richer countries are the 10%, and citizens residing in the poorer countries are the 90% (no running water, etc.). The working middle class in developing countries are classified as those individuals living on/earning $4 to $13 PER DAY. Many kind individuals and organizations are performing many acts of generosity to help the situation, but world governments are doing very little to solve the root problems. This is something that could be achieved by the end of the year, with the right political will. That political will comes from us, the citizens of Earth.

The economic conditions in a country, province, or city are normally the underbelly of all other political issues. If we want to have any hope of making this world a better place for all of us, we need to start by dramatically improving the economic conditions on Earth. If we only had the resources to improve one aspect of life on this planet, this would be the one to choose, as the resulting benefits would be massive in all other areas as well. Even the equally gigantic issue of our environment must be mindful of the economy, as energy transition must be at the right pace in order to prevent a complete global financial collapse. That being said, the "right pace" must be aggressive enough to prevent a complete collapse of our environment.

The world is gradually uniting in many areas, but we need to dramatically pick up the pace. The planet does not care if we extinct ourselves from our own stupidity, but we should care. If we do not unite as the human race, we all know that it's highly possible we may just nuke ourselves into extinction, and that would be a damn shame. It would also make us one of the stupidest, most egomanical "intelligent" species to ever rule the Earth. We are definitely smart enough to create things like weapons of mass destruction, but we may not be wise enough to avoid destroying ourselves with them.

IN A PERFECT WORLD, there would be one race; "HUMAN", one country; "EARTH", and one religion; "UNITY". The main reason why we have divided ourselves (over the centuries) into territorial, political, racial, and religious "pockets" on Earth, is mainly to compete and attempt to feel superior to other pockets, or to just fit in with those around us. (Think nazi's, slavery, terrorism, the olympics, etc.). We are all biologically virtually identical, with only a few minor cosmetic differences. If aliens from another planet ever stop by for a visit, then we'll see some major biological differences. Globalization and the UN are helping a little, but it's still not enough. (P.S. Unity does NOT mean one world government!).

If the vast majority of us choose to remain complacent "herd followers" for the rest of our lives, then our race; the human race, will almost definitely become extinct in the very near future, and some other creature will become the dominant species. It's our massive egos that make us think that planet Earth needs us to survive. If we choose to destroy ourselves, Earth will recover back to normal shortly after we're gone. Save the planet? What a joke, we're like a mosquito thinking we can save an elephant. We need to save ourselves. I think we all pretty much realize that if World War 3 ever does happen, or if climate change is allowed to continue at the current rate, it will likely be the end for all of us on this planet (or any other).

There is a new form of polarization spreading across the Western hemisphere. On one end of the extreme, you have a growing "hate wave" of racism, narcissism, elitism, & an attitude of supremacy, and on the other you have a growing "love wave" of tolerance, compassion, humility, & a sense of equality for people from all walks of life. The US currently seems to be leading the way in this form of division, but before we point our finger at any one country, we had better point it back at ourselves, as no country on Earth is innocent of this.

Most people (including Biden & Trump), now realize that middle class jobs are disappearing at an alarming rate in the West. The problem is, most of us are not really aspiring to be middle class anyway. The vast majority are hoping to achieve much more. I mean really, who dreams of being middle-of-the-road in anything? Most are hoping to become wealthy (& possibly even famous as well). This is why many are simply not all that concerned about the erosion of the middle class. This would also be a monumental mistake, as this economic group pays the vast majority of all forms of taxes, & also drives the economy in the largest way (most consumers, at least for awhile).

What was really driving much of the recent problem with the US election (2020), was the entire fossil fuel group of industries. They, collectively, are the largest money-making entity on Earth. Climate Change is a massive issue on this planet, and one that Democrats and Republicans disagree on dramatically. Donald Trump came very close to destroying democracy in America, but he was not acting alone. Powerful financial forces were/are also at work. The effects of climate change are already starting to be noticed all over the world, especially in certain areas like California, Australia, and many countries in Europe. This issue was a major power play in America, with this 2020 election.

The biggest debate in economics will always be whether there should be more or less government control over free market systems. In theory, a free market economic system sounds like a fair & more natural way of doing things, but in reality, big business is running the show, and there is nothing "fair" or "natural" about it. Big business is after one thing only in life, more profit. Pure capitalism would work great, if we could just suck out some of the short-sighted greed. Not communism or pure socialism, but not the opposite, extreme polarization, which is erasing our biggest sector, the middle class.

Then, on the other hand, there is the "new" definition of the American dream, which is a much less materialistic & show-offy lifestyle, with far more potential for real happiness & actually being able to sleep well at night. The big problem however, is that the more gutted the middle classes become, the more "part time low wage jobs" are required just for basic survival. This creates far more "working poor", which is basically becoming a form of virtual slavery. In my own country of Canada, which injects far more socialism into the mix, we have a bizarre mixture developing of wealthy, well off, working poor, lazy poor (welfare), incredible-paying government jobs, horrible-paying outsourced government jobs, and tons of new "volunteer" internships (for the young university graduates).

Our mainly free market systems are simply becoming increasingly polarized as time marches on (the wealth & income gaps are widening). This is painfully obvious, for example, whenever we hear about top execs getting huge 50% raises, when they're already earning millions each year, while at the same time laying off thousands of middle earning workers. The common excuse given by these companies, is that they need to attract & retain top talent in a competitive global market. My comeback to that would be, if the talent is so great, why did/do you need all those corporate welfare handouts and/or tax breaks just to stay afloat? Ignorance is not bliss, & it's time that we "regular" people stand up for ourselves. If we the masses choose to allow (through sheer complacency) our economies to further evolve this way, then we'll basically just get more & more of this "take from the middle to give to the rich" (time & money), which is detrimental to the overall economy & quality of life.

The Darwinistic "survival of the fittest", "let the free market decide everything" philosophy works out great for the rich, but God help those who aren't if this ideology reigns supreme. Then there are times when the free market should be left alone, as interference can just make a huge mess of things (the real estate market is a good example of this). The reason why, is that investment in real estate is one of the very few ways that us common folk can actually get ahead in life. If the sale of, or capital gains of primary residences start to become taxed, then we're all royally screwed. Keep in mind that "corporate welfare" and contracts are constantly siphoning off tax money from governments to the already rich. It's a tricky subject, but one that deserves a lot of our attention.

One reason why my country has always had a very aggressive immigration policy, is largely because of the vast amount of infrastructure that must be paid for by a relatively small number of people. While this is true, many long-time Canadian citizens are naturally extremely concerned about losing out, if meaningful employment or business opportunities can't keep pace with this flow of immigration. This obviously seems to be a pretty big concern for many in the US & Europe right now as well. This is also one of the main issues driving Brexit. The big debate is who to prioritize. Income earning opportunities for our own citizens, or compassion for others in the world who are suffering.

It's painfully obvious however, that the massive global issues such as extreme poverty & climate change are simply not high priorities for America & other affluent countries. The main reason for this is simple. The average citizen in the richer 20 or so countries is far more concerned about their domestic economy, or in other words, their/our ability to achieve or maintain the appearance (and/or) reality of financial success. Also our ability to experience the ultimate turbo-stimulated lifestyles is extremely important to many of us. These two priorities always dramatically trump any concerns more distantly removed from our immediate reality. It's just short & near-sighted thinking, pure & simple.

While it's indeed not possible for all humans on Earth to eat meat (for example), there are in fact plenty of resources for all to eat well & nutritiously. We're just choosing (globally), to prioritize the indulgences of the elite (that's us), over the survival (or health) of the extremely poor. We also don't seem to care much about the survival of all future generations (including our own descendents), as dealing with climate change (to any serious degree), is not really a big priority for most. It seems, that in the minds of many, it really is all about us.

The Republicans are accusing the Democrats of being socialist, and the Democrats are accusing the Republicans of being racist. In my opinion, they both have some valid points, but the viciousness of this election was extremely unhealthy for democracy. As is the case in my own country of Canada, along with many others around the globe, the US is currently a mixture of capitalism and socialism, and has been for a very long time. Things like Social Security, publicly funded education, health care, infrastructure, and employment or disability insurance are all forms of socialism.

It basically smooths off the rough edges of pure capitalism, and without it, economies and quality of life (for everyone), in many countries around the world, would suffer greatly. These two parties going at it like gladiators in the US, was very dangerous and destructive. There's almost a religious or cult element to what was going on. Trump definitely believed that he was a God of some sort, and so did many of his followers.

There is a very good reason why the current freedom movement, which started in Canada, is spreading like wildfire across the planet. Without our basic rights as human beings, we have nothing. Not much else in this life matters without them. Freedom is not a right-wing issue, or a left-wing issue, it's a human being issue, and ESSENTIAL for our global health and well-being moving forward. There is even a global index which accurately measures the overall freedom of citizens in 165 countries around the world. My own country of Canada has always ranked extremely high in this area, and the vast majority of my fellow Canadians want this to continue.

Freedom & democracy are worth fighting for, and are the only way that any of us in North America, or around the world, will ever be able to achieve or maintain true peace & prosperity on this planet. Life is a team effort, and no one person, country, race, religion, or party will ever have all the answers. We need each other in a major way, or none of us will survive & thrive for much longer. Life is tricky & complex, & no matter how intelligent a person or group think they are, they'll never know everything. It's time for we the humans of Earth to band together, build each other up, and do this thing called life the better way.

Tribal thinking has more potential to create extremely aggressive, vicious, & destructive behaviour than from any other sociological source. Not just affecting violence, but also basic social interaction. As a species, we had better get a grip on this (fairly quickly), or globally we'll be in some serious trouble very soon. While it's definitely true that some countries seem to function better than others, this does not mean that pockets of our species are somehow more or less significant than others. Cultural diversity also enhances life on Earth overall. One of the main reasons why we travel is to see & experience different cultures. As long as we maintain our sense of equality and respect for all of humanity, and communicate effectively between countries, then our species will head in a positive direction.

When you look at the rock-hard facts & stats, the countries which promote human equality always enjoy vastly superior economic prosperity and overall quality of life. In this fact, there is simply no debate. The basic (& simple) reason for this reality, is that with far less income disparity (regardless of career type), far more members of any given society have plenty of extra money to spend, which is of course the main driving force behind every countries' economy. The other basic factor in this equation, is that virtually every career type is necessary for every society on Earth to function.

There obviously needs to be enough financial incentive for many to become educated or deal with high normal levels of pressure, but again, the proof is in the pudding. Egofest aside, it simply works. Overall quality of life improves not just because of the money (in & of itself), but because of the added respect that it encourages. Every productive member of society should be able to take pride in their work, as all forms of work are necessary to make a society function. We can't all be doctors, lawyers, politicians and rock stars. Everyone knows, basically, which career types pay lousy, and this ultimately sucks much of the joy & respect from these careers. Often, many of these same careers contain huge responsibility levels, and are hugely important to society. Two good examples of this would be auto mechanics & school bus drivers, but obviously scores of different careers fall into this category (and the list is growing).

In my own province of Ontario, Canada, I am very proud to say that the minimum wage was recently raised (Jan. 1, 2018) to $14/hr. from the previous $11. Many small business owners were not happy about this, but what they soon realized, was that the increase in sales far more than compensated for the extra $3/hr. per employee expense. It just takes looking at the bigger picture. When the average person on the street has some extra money to spend, you can bet they are going to spend it, and this drives up sales & revenue (across the board) and the local economy overall. (Jan. 1, 2022, min. wage in Ontario went up to $15/hr.).

I am currently one of those small business owners, and have had numerous employees in the past. What I've learned from being on that side of the fence, is that it doesn't take a huge jump in sales and revenue, to create a large jump in profit, even though certain expenses do increase. Capitalism mixed with a bit of socialism does not equal communism. It actually creates an economy that is incredibly rich and inclusive. Without trying to brag, or be overly patriotic, my country is living proof that this economic system works extremely well.